TWD [Daryl X Reader]

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Imagine you and Daryl being a team. When you first get to Alexandria and when you're allowed to choose where to sleep, the two of you opt to stay in the same room together out of habit. Then when Daryl moves to make a bed out of spare sheets and blankets on the floor, you end up offering him one side of the bed.

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With the amount of people Rick has accumulated in your once small group, you're more than just a little relieved when those in charge of Alexandria give you two houses to split up in to. But for as long as you've all been out in the open, starving and constantly looking over your shoulder, it's going to take a while until everyone's comfortable enough to actually split up and use both houses.

For the first week everyone crams into the living room of the house Rick claimed for he and his family, plus a few others. Everything about Alexandria seems too good to be true and you're all waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Only it doesn't. Not really. Because for all the faults a few people have and showcase, those in charge really are trying to make Alexandria a functioning town again.

You and Daryl are attached at the hip, have been since the Greene Farm, and the both of you can only blink at Rick when he tells you he only has one room left up for grabs in his house. Daryl's biting his thumb nail to keep from speaking up and you shrug in response when he stares at you as if the decision is up to you. "We share."

Daryl nods once and Rick smothers a grin. "Alright. I'll have Deanna send over some extra blankets or somethin'."

You and Daryl trudge up to the last remaining room and drop your bags off in there. Then heading back downstairs, the two of you sit on the porch and people watch while Daryl also cleans his crossbow. Carol eventually finds the two of you and jokes about you two finally showering now that you have actual bathrooms, and she explains she left clothes for each of you on your bed.

Then later that night after a filling dinner of surprisingly good spaghetti courtesy of Aaron's boyfriend Eric, everyone hesitantly splits up into separate houses. You push Daryl into the shower and throw fresh clothes at him, and then wait patiently for your turn. As you're waiting Rick drops off a sleeping bag, and a couple extra pillows and blankets.

After your own blessedly hot shower and changing into your own set of fresh clothing, you walk into your bedroom to find Daryl laid out on the floor on top of the sleeping bag and extra blankets.

"Oh no you don't," you huff. "Get your ass in the bed, Dixon."

With one arm tucked behind his head, Daryl shakes his head. "Nah. I ain't lettin' you sleep on the floor."

"Who said I was going to sleep on the floor? We're grown ass adults, dumbass. Now get your rough neck ass in the bed before I pull you up here and make all sorts of noises that the others think we're gettin' up to something in here."

"You wouldn't."

"I would." It's an agonizing quiet couple of minutes before Daryl finally gets up, he then laying out on the empty side of the bed. He keeps his back towards you and tucks a pillow tightly under his head. Then rolling over you cuddle up to Daryl's back and smooth his hair out of his eyes. "Don't pout, babe. It's not like we haven't shared a makeshift bed before."

"That was different. It was life or death out there. In here it's just- it's-"

"It's intimate," you tease, tugging on his earlobe. He tries to shrug you off, but his chuckle lets you know he's not trying all that hard to displace you. "But in all seriousness, now that we can truly exhale in relief and let our guard down, I think I should warn you that I'm a cuddler." Daryl snorts. "I apologize in advance if you wake up with me wrapped around you."

Daryl moves to flop around and you roll over to allow him some room. But before you can get too far, Daryl grabs you around the waist and drags you back until he has you tucked against his front- your back to his chest. "There. Go to sleep."

You get comfortable, smirking as Daryl moves your hair out of the way and hooks his chin over your shoulder. "You know, a girl could get used to this."

"Shut up before I rethink kickin' 'ya out of bed."

"Bossy. I like it." Daryl snorts and you huff a quiet laugh. "G'night, Daryl."

"Mmm. Night."

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