Harry Potter [George X Reader]

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Author's Note: Fred lives! Why? Because I said so!

Imagine moving into a rather small and secluded Wizarding village in England. There's a family of red heads that lives behind your property and you're relieved that they're the good sort of neighbors.  

Moving to England was not an easy decision. Your father had not taken your mother's death well and your siblings had families of their own to take care of. So wanting to start somewhere fresh where the government- both no-maj and magical- weren't completely off their rocker, your father thought England was a good place as any to move.

The village he chose consisted of both magical and non-magical families, but the several acres of land your father purchased was nearby only one other home. While the only close by family had their very own quidditch pitch, you and your father had a small lake surrounded by willow trees which you intended to make full use of in the summer time.

You're organizing the kitchen when there are several knocks on the glass pane of the back door and you hesitantly lower the glasses in hand to go greet your apparent guests when your father doesn't make an appearance. You see four people crowded together just behind the sheer white curtain and you open the door with a rather pleasant smile.

It's apparently a family of redheads- twin boys, a girl with straight red hair sporting a rather grumpy expression and a short plump woman with a plate of what looks like pie in her hands.

"Uhh.. hi?"

"Hello, dearie!" The woman ecstatically greets. "We couldn't help but notice that you've finally moved in and thought we'd come welcome you," she says while pushing forward the plate in her hands. You hesitantly take it. "I'm Molly Weasley and these are my children- George, Fred and Ginny."

"Y/N," you mumble your name in return. "Uh, come in. Come in." Turning swiftly, your socked feet practically slide against the tile floor on your way towards the kitchen island. "Dad! We got visitors!" You then shout.

There's a shout back from somewhere in the house and you flash the Weasley's a sheepish smile and shrug. The kitchen door soon swings open and the moment your father makes an appearance to make introductions, you grin at the Weasley children before busying yourself with arranging the kitchen how you see fit.

"You people seem nice and all, but are you going to put up a fence around the lake?"

You glance up at the rushed words, eyes widening as Mrs. Weasley slaps her daughter on the back of her shoulder. "Ginerva!" She then turns to your father. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Y/L/N! My children usually have better manners."

"It's alright," your father chuckles in return. Glancing out the back windows, he gestures to the lake. "I take it you lot are used to swimming in the lake? We kind of threw a wrench into that. Huh?"

Ginny scoffs, but at Molly's glare she stays mum.

"We're not assholes," you answer for your dad, smothering a grin when he snorts. "You're still welcome to take a dip in the lake whenever you like. Just no... no parties, yeah?"

"Yeah. Y/N isn't exactly a people person," your father muses. "If you kids suddenly invite a large group of others without warning, my daughter is likely to hex first and not ask questions later."

The twins snicker and you roll your eyes. "I like people. Most of the time," you huff. "It's just rude to not warn someone beforehand. So yeah. Swim all you like. Just don't be inconsiderate and not warn us before you come over."

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