Harry Potter [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine pretending to be a Muggleborn. When the Ministry, under Voldemort's control, decides to make a new law ordering all Muggleborns to marry a Pureblood, the Order is in chaos as they try to find husbands for you and Hermione. The Order is in for quite the shock when you admit to being a Pureblood.

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Sitting around the table at Grimmauld Place, you bite the inside of your cheek to keep quiet as the Order erupt in chaos over the latest edition of the Daily Prophet. Though it took forever for the Wizarding Community to come to terms that Voldemort was back, they were even slower on the uptake to believe that their precious government was under his control. But the Order- the Order knew better.

The war against Voldemort and his Deatheaters has been going on for a couple years now, and the psychopath finally made a move that was sure to flush out all Muggleborns. Well.. at least the females, especially two of Harry's best friends- you and Hermione.

"This is preposterous!" Molly's voice is shrill and on the verge of panicking even though the woman has nothing to worry about. She's married and her only daughter is a Pureblood. "Albus, surely you can't let them take the girls. You know this is a move to flush out Harry."

You flash Hermione a small smile, her complexion completely washed out after having read the paper herself. Ron sits next to her and you know that should you look under the table you'll find their hands clasped tightly together.

"The law is the law, sweetheart," Arthur says in the most soothing voice he can muster up. "If the girls don't find a Pureblood husband of their choosing, they'll either have to snap their wands or be paired with a Deatheater."

"Like hell they'll be getting their grubby hands on 'Mione," Ron speaks up. Everyone looks to him and the tips of his ears burn red under their scrutiny. He gulps. "I-If she'll have me, I'll marry her."

Hermione seems to sag in on herself and this time your smile blossoms. "As if she'd marry anyone else," you chuckle. "You two were fated since Third Year. Her punching Malfoy really did it for you, huh?"

Hermione hides her smile as Ron nervously chuckles. "Shut it, Y/N." But his own small smile tells you there's no bite behind his words.

"Oh, Poppet," Sirius sighs. "Is there- do you have anyone in mind that would be willing to-"

You glance at Sirius and shake your head. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"Like hell you will!" Harry explodes and everyone around the table startles. Having been closest to Harry over Ron and Hermione, Harry knows you better than everyone in the room no matter that you were a few years older than him. "You will not martyred for us, Y/N. As I see it, you have two options- Neville or Charlie."

You scoff. "Neville has eyes for Hannah and you know it, HJ. And Charlie.. I can't do that to Charlie. He's the forever bachelor. I won't be the one that makes him settle down when he doesn't want to."

"If he knew your safety was up in the air, he'd do it in a heartbeat, sweetheart," Sirius tells you and Molly nods in agreement.

Your heart aches as you stare at Sirius, but again you bite the inside of your cheek. Not yet. Shaking your head, you sigh. "No. Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

Everyone seems to explode yet again, but this time you keep your mouth shut. They're arguing over your future as if you're not even in the room and though it should upset you, it really doesn't. After all, you're the one with the secret.

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