Teen Wolf [Peter X Reader]

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Imagine celebrating New Year's Eve with the Pack and someone makes their feelings known for you when they realize you're unattached.

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Arms full of supplies for the New Year's Eve gathering you and the Pack are having at Derek's, you enter the loft with a skip in your step.

"Feliz Navid, bitches. Momma's back." Several heads snap in your direction- each and every one of them yelling back a greeting in response. From his spot perched on a metal table, you grin at Isaac. "Hey, Lahey. Be a sweetheart and go grab everyone's gifts from the trunk of my car?" He hops off the table and you toss him your keys. "Thanks, puppy."

He ducks his head as he passes you and Lydia chuckles as she makes her way towards you. "Are you ever going to stop calling him puppy?" She asks while briefly hugging you.

"Never. He might be a vicious werewolf when the occasion calls for it, but other than that he's perfectly docile and adorable."

She rolls her eyes, but the corner of her lips twitch. "Whatever you say." You hum back and then she eyes the small ice chests you're carrying in each hand. "What's in those?"

Smirking, you hold up the red ice chest at eye level. "In the red we have jello shots for the weres and in the blue," you say as you hold up the other one, "are jello shots for the humans."

"Did you say jello shots?" Stiles comes up, eyes sparkling as he takes hold of the blue ice chest and holds it to his chest as if it's something precious. "Last time you made jello shots we got into a lot of trouble. Are you sure the boyfriend is okay with this?"

Your heart practically skips a beat at the mention of a boyfriend, and you slightly narrow your eyes at Derek who raises an eyebrow in response. "The boyfriend can't be mad if there is no boyfriend," you mumble. Lydia and Stiles' smiles falter, and you roll your eyes. "Relax. I'm the one who broke it off. I'm good."

"Well in that case, darling, let me go ahead and take these and put them in the fridge." Peter comes up from behind you and takes the ice chest from you before taking the other from Stiles. As he passes you, he winks and you chuckle as he heads for the kitchen.

Stiles grumbles and follows after the werewolf, and Lydia sidles up to your side. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. I'm perfectly happy with my decision."

"Good. He was a slob anyway. You could do so much better." You snort and nudge her with your shoulder. "I'm serious," she muses quietly. "And now that everyone here knows you're single, Peter will not leave you alone tonight."

You groan. "Not this again. Peter is.. Peter. You're reaching, Lyds."

"I'm really not, but if you wish to remain oblivious then please be my guest."

"Thank you."

Isaac soon returns with Scott and Malia in tow.

"Who gets what?" Isaac asks.

"Lydia and Malia get the rum-filled chocolates, plus the gift cards to Starbucks."

Malia's eyes subtly widen. "You got me something?"

"Duh. You're Pack, silly."

Malia, the one member of the Pack who rarely let her guard down even after you were let in on the big secret, flashes you a small grin. Lydia passes her, her gifts and she eagerly opens the box of chocolates to snack on.

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