TWD [Daryl X Reader]

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Imagine being new to the group and asking Daryl if you can go on a supply run with him.

. .

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The comfort and safety of Alexandria is something you thought you'd never see again after months of hiding from the reanimated dead. A year passed, then two and you didn't think there was one decent human left alive.

But then Aaron and Daryl found you, and Rick asked you some questions pertaining to how many reanimated dead you've killed, how many alive human beings you've killed, and why. The questions were a bit odd, but they apparently liked your answers and offered you a place of relative safety soon after. You wept when you saw the normalcy of Alexandria and confined yourself for days inside your new house.

Eventually though, the silence and the mundane activities going on along the streets of Alexandria fill you with anxiety. You need to get out and.. do something. Go somewhere. Be productive. But the only way to do that is to speak with someone in charge of going out on runs.

Dressed in jeans, scuffed up boots, and a loose flannel thrown atop a tank top, you find Daryl Dixon fixing up something underneath the hood of a car and smoking a cigarette. He glances up at you, cigarette dangling from between his lips as he blows smoke out through his nose. "Can I bum one off of you?" You ask, shifting your weight from foot to foot.

Daryl's eyes narrow briefly before he nods. Wiping the grime off his hands, he then reaches into the pocket of his sleeveless shirt and pulls out a crumpled pack of cigarettes. "Didn't know 'ya smoked."

He tosses the pack to you and you catch them, but you only end up fiddling with the casing. "I, uh, I don't. I just needed an opener."


"For my next question." You take a deep breath and then blow it out in a huff. "If you're going out on a run, can I tag along? I really need to stretch my legs."

Looking you up and down, Daryl pinches the cigarette between his lips to remove it and flick the ash off. "You quick on 'ya feet?" You nod. "Good with a gun or knife?" Another nod. "Willin' to follow instructions?"

"Yep. As long as you give me a bit of time to look for some things I need, then I have no problem followin' orders."

"Okay." Daryl nods and then takes another quick drag of his cigarette. As he talks, the smoke escapes from between his lips. "We leave a little after noon. Don't be late."

"I won't." You finally smile at him. "Thanks."

- X -

You meet up with Daryl, Tara, and Noah when it's time to head out. Rick's standing with the assembled group and he gives you a nod when you walk up in your same outfit as earlier, plus knives strapped to your thighs and a crowbar dangling from one hand.

"Remember to be in an' out," Rick tells you all. "Grab the necessities first an' if Daryl says it's okay to head back in, then grab stuff you think the others might find use of or whatever. If you have to weigh the risks, it's not worth it."

As the other three start to load up the car, Rick makes his way towards you. "Hey, Grimes."

"Y/N," he grins. "You good to be out there?"

"Yeah. For sure," you tell him. "Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for being allowed to live here, but I feel so cooped up and need to breathe. I need to keep myself sharp out there and not become lazy behind these walls."

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