Harry Potter [Viktor X Reader]

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Author's Note: Let's just say that at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries (Order of the Phoenix), Harry + friends and the Order were able to take down Voldemort by some miracle. This is fanfiction so just go with it.

Imagine dating Viktor. A friend of his, Fleur Delacour, is getting married and he's taken you as his plus one. Even though a wedding is such joyous occasion, some people just didn't get the memo.

Being invited to Fleur Delacour's wedding to one Bill Weasley left you feeling all sorts of excited. Viktor's friends in Bulgaria had become your friends, as had your friends become his friends, but these were completely new people you were to meet.

While you had unfortunately missed the wedding ceremony itself, you and Viktor managed to portkey in while everything under the marquee was being transformed for the reception. Fleur was a vision in her wedding dress and her dashing husband was of the friendly sorts. They were happy you and Viktor could make the reception, and after congratulating them one last time they were off to greet their other guests.

Viktor had left you alone to grab some drinks, but ended up getting distracted by a witch in a red dress. And while the witch in question is rather pretty, you are very comfortable in your relationship with Viktor and trust him immensely.

"Ruddy pumpkin head," someone grumbles from somewhere behind you. "Who invited him?"

As subtly as you can, you peer over shoulder to see what drama shall unfold. It's another redhead, plus an individual who can only be Harry Potter after you spot the telltale scar of his on his forehead. Following his line of gaze, you can only snort when you realize the redhead is glaring at Viktor.

Your snort catches the boys' attention, the redhead flushing as the dark haired wizard chuckles. "Sorry for eavesdropping."

The redhead gulps and tersely nods, and Harry sheepishly grins. "Are you a guest of the bride or groom? I don't think I've seen you around before. Ron here," he elbows his friend in the ribs for not introducing himself, "is the brother of the groom. And I'm Harry- a friend of the Weasley family."

"Y/N," you introduce yourself with a smile. "And I guess you can say I'm a guest of the bride. Only I just met her just today, but my date has been friends with her for a few years now."

"Oh yeah? Who's your date? Maybe we know him," Harry says.

Smirking at the opportunity that's just landed in your lap, you gesture over your shoulder and point. "I've been dating that ruddy pumpkin head for nearly two years now." Ron's eyes widen and Harry roars with laughter. As Ron tries to stammer out an apology, you wave him off. "It's fine. But by the glares and name calling, I take it the pretty witch my boyfriend is talking to is Hermione?"

"He tell you about us?" Harry asks, suddenly uncomfortable.

You nod. "Yeah. He was very fond of the friends he made when he visited Hogwarts for the tournament. Especially those who didn't fawn over him because of the quidditch star he is, but I don't blame him one bit. All the fake interest and constant questions must be annoying," you say with a wink and internally breathe a sigh of relief when Harry loses some of the tension in his shoulders. From Viktor you had heard how Harry Potter really wasn't the fame chaser some tabloids made him out to be, so you threw that little tidbit into the conversation so you'd let Harry know you weren't about to nag him about his Boy Who Lived/Conquered status.

The three of you are saved from coming up with other topics of conversation when Viktor and Hermione finally join you, and introductions are made all over again.

Imagines [Book Two]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora