Divergent [Eric X Reader] Pt. I

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Author's Note: Warning for violence. Dauntless initiation is quite.. brutal. But my action scene writing isn't that great so yeah.. enjoy!

Imagine choosing Dauntless at the Choosing Ceremony against your family's wishes.

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Life in Erudite could have been better.

While you loved your childhood, things weren't so great the moment puberty hit and your father started molding you for your future in Erudite. You had loved your family and your home, but then rules became stricter and punishments rather harsher. After a while you wanted nothing more than to leave the place you once adored.

So a couple months after your eighteenth birthday, you're sitting at The Hub with your fellow Erudite's who will either choose to stay in the faction they were born to or seek a home elsewhere. It's been established in your family that you're to choose Erudite and put your smarts to use in the Labs, so you sit rather serenely and play the part of the obedient daughter.

The moment your name is called, however, the silly little grin you'd been sporting since you left your house falls and the fake glasses everyone wears- because it apparently makes everyone look smarter- come off. You walk up to the woman handing out daggers next to the stage where five bowls sit- each bowl a representation of a faction. Glass for Candor, water for Erudite, soil for Amity, burning coals for Dauntless, and grey stones for Abnegation. You've been watching the other kids before you slice their palms open before dripping blood over a faction of their choosing and you waste not another moment before doing the same. Slicing your palm, you take one last glance at your parents sitting in the family section and then keep direct eye contact with your father as you choose.

Your blood drips on the burning coals and as the other Dauntless members whoop in cheer, you can't help but smirk at the look of pure outrage on your father's face. A moment passes, then two and you walk off stage towards the rowdy crowd of your new faction. Two females greet you, one with a pale complexion and the other a light brown. The two are smiling as they shake your hand.

"Welcome to Dauntless. I'm Tris." She hands you a piece of fabric and you quickly wrap it around your bleeding palm.


"Christina," the other girl then says after you shake Tris' hand and turn towards her. "Welcome."

You fall into line with the other Dauntless Initiates, waiting as the others make their choice. Then after another speech and well wishing, you're off.

Tris, Christina, and the other Dauntless members, who'd tagged along to watch the ceremony, lead you outside in a jog. Other faction members are quick to step out of the way, especially when the Dauntless faction rush down the building stairs and then the jogging turns into a full out run. There's whooping and laughter as you head towards a steel railroad track that's about fifty feet in the air, and then your eyes widen as you see people starting to climb.

Laughing incredulously, you follow without a second thought. You climb and climb and climb, and then you catch your breath as everyone seems to be waiting along the side of the train tracks. Then when the train comes, your eyes nearly bulge out of your head when everyone starts running alongside the train itself.

You're jumping. Inside the train. And if you get left behind, you're apparently factionless.

The running itself is pretty easy, but jumping into a moving train is tricky. You manage it, just barely, and you grin like a loon as you scramble to the side to really catch your breath. The Dauntless-born all stick together, and you take the time to check out everyone else. While a majority of the initiates look to be Dauntless-born, there are several members from Candor, a few from Erudite, and a couple from Abnegation. Not so surprisingly, there are none from Amity.

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