Harry Potter [Draco X Reader]

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Author's Note: Welcome, readers! Just so you know, these first two 'Imagines' are from Book One that I pulled and then re-posted here in Book Two so they can be with the rest of the 'Imagines' from their fandom. Don't ask me why, I just had to do it that way. I blame my OCD. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Also many thanks to the wonderful FlamingOreos for putting up with me and making me yet another wonderful book cover :)

 Anyway, I hope you enjoy!Also many thanks to the wonderful FlamingOreos for putting up with me and making me yet another wonderful book cover :)

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Imagine being an American transfer student at Hogwarts. The war is here and though you've made friends whose loyalties had always been questionable, and have managed to lay somewhat low, you didn't think the one person you had become close with would leave your side when you needed him the most.  

. .

Standing on one side of the demolished courtyard, bloodied and dirtied, fatigue sets in and all you want is for everything to be over. The war was something you were never meant to be dragged into, but after befriending numerous of your peers and becoming fond of others you really couldn't look the other way.

You had come to Hogwarts in the middle of your Fifth year and immediately you were clued into just how drastically different Hogwarts was from Ilvermorny. There was a bunch of house rivalry bullshit going on, but that was nothing compared to the blood purists and their righteousness. Fortunately for you, you were a pureblood and a Slytherin- a Slytherin who didn't hold the same views as a majority of the other snakes, so you were able to befriend others from different Houses. Unfortunately for you, however, you were also something other than just a witch and guarded your secret as if your life depended on it.

Because sometimes it did.

In your Sixth year, however, something just clicked between you and Draco Malfoy. The usually pompous prick had closed himself off and didn't care much for getting other students in trouble as he once had, and that was when you realized something more was going on. He was a little reluctant to open up to you when he realized who your friends were, but you assured him that what was said between the two of you was never to be repeated anywhere else just as what was said between you and your other friends was never repeated elsewhere either. And then it wasn't until after you'd found him sobbing, and on the verge of a panic attack, that he told you about his family and who was staying in his home. You'd been shocked and terrified for him, but when he realized his mistake of opening his mouth he tried to take it all back.

You could only stare sadly at your friend until it looked like he would try to lash out to prevent you from repeating what he'd said, and he only calmed down when you told him your deepest secret so he had something to hang on to. To say Draco was shocked would have been an understatement, but he eventually got over it and accepted you as who and what you were.

"Harry Potter.. is dead!"


You cringe at Ginny Weasley's anguished cry, she knocking you from your memories, and your breath stutters in your chest at the fact that you can clearly see Harry laying lifeless in Hagrid's arms. The deatheaters behind Voldemort all snicker as their master belittles Ginny and the Light side for putting their faith in a teenaged wizard.

Imagines [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now