Marvel [Loki X Reader]

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Imagine Loki magicking you into a cat to terrorize those in the Tower.

Staring out the glass wall window, you look on in awe at the scene outside of Avengers Tower. New York is a complete white out and while you've seen snow, you've never seen this much and you find it's quite fascinating. But that fascination quickly dwindles and you heave a sigh before turning your back on the beauty of an eerily quiet city.

"Why am I being confined to the Tower?" You whine. "It's not like you aren't capable of transporting me home in a blink of an eye or anything."

"I believe my brother and his friends are under the impression that you keep me anchored," Loki says. "Were you not here, it's highly likely I'd grow bored and create chaos."

"It's like they don't know me at all." Loki smirks at your annoyance and you slowly grin as an idea takes shape. "Hey, trickster, remember a while back when I mentioned you could transform me into a cat and I'd terrorize your brother?"


"Wanna give it a go?" You chuckle. "I'm feeling a little antsy and need to expel some pent up energy."

Loki's smirk turns into a leer. "If you're looking to expel some pent up energy, I'm sure there are other ways to-"

"No! No," you laugh. "I love sex as much as the next person, but after last night..." You trail off dreamily before shaking your head clear. "A girl really needs her rest."

Loki nods in understanding, taking a step back and clasping his hands behind his back. "Suit yourself, sweetheart."

"Don't pout. If I'm feeling better later, then we can have the sort of fun you're thinking about. But until then.. change me into a cat, oh God of Mischief."

"As you ask it, so shall it be." Loki brings one hand forward and with a simple snap of his fingers, you find yourself shrinking and shrinking until you're staring up at your boyfriend from mere inches off the floor. He smiles and bends down, and there's a slight pressure at the back of your neck as you feel yourself suddenly being lifted. "Who shall be the first victim?"


"Yes. Lets start off with Thor and work our way down the list."

- X -

Thor's in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as he watches his friend Darcy whip up a batch of hot chocolate. Loki has disillusioned himself and yourself in kitten form before setting you atop the refrigerator. As he runs a finger down your spine, you know you're visible once more. Your tail flicks back and forth, and you lazily watch everyone in the room from behind a jar of cookies.

Natasha and Pepper are seated at the kitchen bar, both ladies flipping through magazines as they await their own hot beverage. Darcy is retelling some story of her and Jane's shenanigans from when they first met and Darcy had torn down Jane's walls, and Thor's listening with rapt attention.

"..and then Selvig had to scrounge up money we didn't have to post bail. So that's pretty much the reason Jane and I are no longer allowed tequila when I endure heartbreak. She encourages all my bad decisions and then we end up in jail. Together."

Thor's booming laughter is the best opportunity to pounce with his head thrown back. Standing up on all fours, you perch on the ledge of the refrigerator and mentally laugh as your bottom automatically wiggles back and forth in the air. Pushing off, you launch yourself atop Thor's head. Your back paws catch in his hair and you use your front paws to frantically bat at his forehead.

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