SPN/TVD [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine being the younger sister of the Winchesters that was saved from witches by Klaus as a child and years later meeting the original hybrid again in Mystic Falls.

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Mystic Falls was a too perky town with too many fake smiles and too many cover-ups. To an outside observer, the town was very picturesque and the perfect place to raise a family. But to everyone else, especially those in the know about what truly goes bump in the night, Mystic Falls was crawling with creatures who had no care whatsoever about killing a person.. or ten.

"So tell me again why we stuck around?" You ask. After your brothers made you go undercover at the local high school, since you were the only one who could pass for a high school student, you're more than ready to get back on the road and go home. Instead, you're having dinner at Mystic Grill while your brothers still pretend to be FBI agents. "The Sheriff has her very own secret council to take care of problems like.. you know," you say, lowering your voice. "And if she didn't, then the town's resident vampires have got it under control."

"Well apparently they suck at their job." Dean pops a fry into his mouth with one hand, rearranging the burger with his other as Sam watches on in distaste. "We need to check it out and intervene if need be."

"Fine. Whatever," you grumble. "But high school, guys. Really? I'm so over the teenage hormones and petty drama. Why couldn't you just make me a waitress here or something," you then say while gesturing around the restaurant. "I much rather listen to drunks than being hit on by boys who can't control their erections."

Sam frowns at your words and Dean snorts, he then laughing out loud a moment later.

"Now, now, love. The lads can't control that part of their anatomy." The newcomer is tall with wavy, sandy blonde hair cut short. A leather bomber jacket hangs off his shoulders and his jeans are snug on his hips. He looks almost.. familiar.

"I know you." Your eyes squint and your head tilts as you try to recall how you know this individual. "How do you I know you?" The man in question smiles, a lone dimple popping out. And just like that, just seeing the dimple sends a memory flying to the forefront of your mind and your eyes widen in recognition. "You're him. Aren't you? You're the hybrid who saved me from those witches when I was just a little girl." He winks and presses a finger to his mouth as if quieting you.

"The hybrid freak from the Rocky Mountains that dad wanted to put a bullet in when you started talking about your knight with glowing eyes?" Dean scoffs.

You choke on air, your eyes widening yet again, but this time in horror as you stare at your brother. "Can you shut up?!"

"Oh no. Don't stop on my account." You and your brothers glance back at the man, and his eyes briefly flash yellow. Immediately, Sam and Dean reach for their holstered weapons.

 Immediately, Sam and Dean reach for their holstered weapons

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