AHS [Michael X Reader] Pt. I

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Imagine being a witch and showing Michael around the school when he first shows up. As he gets to know you, he falls for you.

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As a witch, walking into the Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men never failed to give you a rush of power. Witches and Warlocks were constantly sniping at one another over who was more powerful (witches obviously), but you were one who never partook in the petty arguments. As a result, you were on good footing with the warlocks.

Taking off your cloak, you hang it up on a hook before skipping towards the Welcoming Room. The heels of your shoes click loudly against the flooring and you grin toothily as you happen upon the Grand Chancellor and his newest recruit who's standing upon a raised platform with his hair perfectly gelled and his academy uniform impeccable.

Grabbing the material of your dress down by your lower thighs, your flare out your skirt as you mockingly curtsy and bow your head in respect. "Grand Chancellor Augustus."

"Y/N," he chuckles. "None of that, child. Now stand tall and proud, and come meet Michael."

As Ariel, the Grand Chancellor, holds his hand out towards you, you gently grasp it and walk up to him to kiss his cheeks in greeting. "Thank you for summoning me. Those bitches were suffocating me. I was all too happy to escape."

"Not a problem, my dear. We enjoy having you here, especially if it means that Supreme of yours keeps her snobby fake nose out of our business."

"Of course." You wink at him and then stare up at the apparent Michael. "So you're the Boy Wonder, huh? The one everyone's betting on to replace Cordelia?"

With cold, blue eyes, Michael's bland stare goes from you to Ariel with only a blink in between. "I'm confused. You and the others were spouting earlier about damning all witches, yet you let one have free reign of the warlock school."

"Y/N is.. different from other witches-" Ariel carefully explains.

"What he means is that I'm not a snobby witch bitch," you mutter.

"-so choose your words wisely, Mr. Langdon, because Y/N will be your escort for the day. After all, I do have a school to run."

With your hands clasped behind your back, you swish the skirt of your dress back and forth in childlike glee as Ariel takes his leave. Once out of sight, your attention is back on Michael. "First things first, as adorable as you look in that uniform of yours, you need to go change. We'll be going on a tour, inside and out, and you'll want to be comfortable."

"And you'll be comfortable in that?" He asks, gesturing to your outfit.

You scoff. "No. I've got a spare change of clothing around here somewhere. I'll go change and meet you down here in ten?"

"I suppose so."

"Don't look so glum, Mr. Langdon," you muse. "I am not the enemy."

"But you are a witch."

"And? It's not like you're a warlock." Michael's eyes subtly widen and you roll your eyes. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. I swear it on my own magic."

Michael stares you up and down before stepping down off his platform. Stepping closer to you, he leans in and lowers his voice. "How'd you know?"

"Part of my abilities is sensing when another supernatural being is around and just how powerful he/she is. And you, Mr. Langdon," you murmur, inhaling deeply and smirking up at him through your lashes, "taste the most powerful I've ever come across."

The corner of his lips quirk up into a small grin and the corner of his eyes crinkle. "Ten minutes, you said?"

You nod. "Ten minutes."

- X -

Dressed in jeans shorts, a band tee that you personally shredded and customized to your liking, and your high heeled ankle boots, you can barely contain your squeal when Michael meets you in his own black boots, black jeans, and a band tee that's sporting a few holes here and there. The gel has been washed out and his once impeccable hair now looks like he just got out of bed and quickly ran a brush through it.

"Why, Mr. Langdon, you clean up awfully well." You wink and then laugh when he fully smiles at that.

"So what are you supposed to show me?"

"Only all the best hide outs and hang outs, of course."

"And you know of these how?"

"I get summoned a lot," you chuckle. "I'm mostly a messenger between the witches and warlocks, but the warlocks here enjoy my company. I don't tattle about the going on's of this school and I sometimes overshare information I pick up from my academy."

Michael tuts at you. "How do you keep the witches from learning of your deception? Surely the Supreme can outsmart a lowly witch such as yourself."

"Ouch," you mockingly pout. "A lowly witch? That hurts." Michael only shrugs in response and you gesture for him to start walking. He follows your lead. "I might be a lowly witch, but that doesn't mean I'm an idiot. I picked up a few tricks from our last Supreme. Now Fiona, she was a real bitch. Not even her daughter can pick apart the spells I once learned under Fiona, but I tend to keep a low profile, so.."

"You're a deceitful little witch. I think I quite like you."

Glancing at Michael, you can't help but smile at him. He returns the smile and you lead him all around the school, up and down the stairs, and outside around the woods. The more time Michael spends with you, the more carefree he is with his laughs and smiles. At least that is when the other warlock students aren't talking to you in between their classes.

Soon enough your day comes to an end and you have to return back to your own Academy. As Ariel is clasping your cloak around your neck, he asks, "Now what are you going to tell the witches when they inevitably ask what you were doing here?"

"I tell them you came across a new recruit who I helped introduce to the world of magic since you old fools aren't quite in touch with the times." Ariel chortles under his breath. "And then I go on and on about how cute your newest recruit was so they dismiss me right away as a smitten little witch."

"Good girl."

"Until next time, Grand Chancellor Augustus." You curtsy before departing, you flashing Michael a brief grin as you saunter passed him.

Once you're out of ear shot, Michael turns towards Ariel. "I like her. Can I keep her?"

Ariel chuckles as he faces Michael and nods once. "Y/N is the only witch I recommend you getting close to. Keep her close, Michael. She's better on our side of the fight than on theirs."

"Don't worry, Grand Chancellor. I intend to."

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