Teen Wolf [Peter X Reader]

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Imagine Peter always having a thing for you and if you were to get hurt or be in harm's way, he gets super protective.

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Being woken up by your cousin to let you know there'd be a Pack meeting in a few hours time was enough to make you throw a wild punch and scream for him to get out of your room. When that didn't work, you blindly reached around for any somewhat heavy object and chunked it towards the door.

"Missed." Thump! "Shit."

"You'd think with all those wolfy senses that you'd remember to take a step to the right to avoid the wall, Scottie."

"Shut up, Y/N."

"Bite me, Toto." Scott chuckles and realizing you're not going to go back to sleep anytime soon you flop over onto your back and stretch. "So is the whole Pack going to be there or only just those you favor?"

"Just those I..?" He sighs. "I don't play favorites."

"You totally do. But I don't really care right now, so.. everyone or just Derek and the youngins?"

Scott pouts at you. "Peter's going to be there."

You grin at his put out expression. "Now was that so hard?"

"I don't understand why you like him so much."

"Because he doesn't treat me with delicate hands. And I like his humor."

"He's a psychopath!"

"Was a psychopath. And besides there were extenuating circumstances."

Scott opens his mouth to retort, but then snaps it shut a moment later. "You know what? You're old enough to make your own decisions."

"Thanks, cousin mine."

"But the Pack meeting is in two hours, so get up and get showered. We're meeting at Derek's."

- X -

Showing up at Derek's loft with a tray of drinks in hand, you exchange pleasant greetings with everyone gathered. Derek gets an affectionate hair ruffle to which he rolls his eyes at and you tug on Stiles' ear lobe as you pass him. You bump your hip against Kira and then Malia, both girls grinning as you make your way around the room. Allison and Lydia smile as you pass them their afternoon caffeine fix, and then you plop down on the sofa- thigh to thigh- with Peter. Handing him his drink and keeping the last for yourself, you mockingly salute him with your cup before sipping your iced coffee.

"So unfair," Stiles grumbles. "Why is Peter included in your list of coffee recipients and not me?"

You take a mouth full of coffee instead of answering, but that only leaves Peter open to answer for you. "It's just a little thing called mutual satisfaction."

Coffee spews from your mouth, the whole room goes quiet, Stiles mockingly dry heaves, and you turn wide eyes on Peter. With your free hand, you swat the older werewolf across the chest. "Don't say shit like that!"

"Yeah. Please don't." Scott enters the loft, closing the door behind him and wrinkling his nose at you. "I totally pegged you as having better taste."

You groan. "It's not like that at all. I bring Peter coffee and sometimes brunch, and Peter takes me dinner when I work the night shift at the hospital so I don't have to interrupt you or Melissa on her nights off." Scott sighs in relief, and Allison and Lydia hide their smiles behind their own cups of coffee. You face Peter who's still smirking and then back at Stiles who's glancing suspiciously between you and Peter. "However-"

Imagines [Book Two]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora