Harry Potter [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Author's Note: When Sirius was taken to Azkaban, Andromeda raised you. Voldemort was killed during Harry's Fourth Year just shortly after his resurrection, and you and Harry were legally transferred into your father's care after having his record cleared.

Imagine coming out to your father, Sirius, and him telling you that he loves you no matter what.

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Sitting in the kitchen with Harry, your knee bounces nervously beneath the table. An untouched cup of tea sits before you and you feel like any moment you're going to burst into tears.

"Just tell him," Harry says. "I can tell you right now that it won't matter to him."

"Easy for you to say," you mumble. "You're the last of your name, Potter. You don't have to answer to anyone. And you're straight."

"Y/N, this is your dad we're talking about. Sirius Black. Padfoot," he muses. "You've got nothing to worry about."

"Worry about?" The kitchen door swings open and Sirius walks in. "What are we worrying about?" You and Harry glance at each other, then simultaneously avert your gazes to the tea cups before you. You move to sip yours and grimace at the taste of it. "Oohh," your father drawls. "I smell something juicy. Spill. Now. Unless it's boy talk, then no. Absolutely not." He playfully winks at you and you suddenly feel ten times worse.

"I-I'm just going to go," Harry stammers as he quickly bolts up to his feet, "anywhere that's.. not here." As he hurries out the kitchen door, you can't help but think about what a traitorous little git he is.

"So," Sirius muses, "what's up, kitten?"

Pulling your hands into your lap, you clasp them under the table to prevent any nervous habits. "I have something to tell you.. and I'm not sure how to say this."

"Morgana's saggy left tit," he utters. "You're pregnant."

The look of utter horror on his face leaves you absolutely speechless, but Harry's raucous laughter from just outside the kitchen quickly snaps you out of it. "What? No, dad! I'm not pregnant." With Harry's laughter still ringing out, you grab your wand up from the table and throw a silencing charm at the door.

"Oh, thank Merlin."

You meet your dad's relieved gaze and blurt, "I'm gay."

"You're.. happy?"

"No, dad. The other gay." Seeing the understanding dawn in his eyes, you try to lighten the mood some. "I honestly think I was the first under Ginny Weasley's robes, but don't tell Harry that. Gin was just curious and I was all too willing oblige her."

Sirius groans and pinches the bridge of his nose. After he takes a moment to collect himself, he stands up and walks around the table to sit next to you. As he grabs one of your hands in his, he says, "First off, you needn't have to worry about my reaction to your revelation. I'll always love you no matter what, sweetheart. You should know that by now."

Your bottom lip trembles and the tears that had gathered in the corner of your eyes finally fall. "Yeah." Sniffling, you use your free hand to wipe away the tears. "It's just- it's scary. Admitting it out loud to the one person who means the world to you when you're not exactly sure how they're going to take it is-"

"Scary." He smiles sadly in return. When he reaches up to wipe away a stray tear, he gently and playfully knocks your chin with his knuckles. "And secondly, kitten, please never tell me of your conquests ever again if the witch in question is someone I know."

His statement catches you off guard and you bark out a surprised laugh. His answering chuckle sets you off into a round of giggles and they only get prolonged when Harry pokes his head in through the door. "Oi! Did you silence the room?"

You and Sirius lean into each other, laughing. Harry then takes that as a good sign and re-enters the room. "All good?"

A moment passes and when you meet Harry's gaze, you nod. "More than good."

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