Harry Potter [Charlie X Reader] Pt. II

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Imagine visiting the Weasley's yet again, dragging along your guard dragon to appease the one Weasley you've grown quite fond of- Charlie. This visit, however, is different seeing as it's time to meet the rest of the family (Part 2 of 4).

Flooing directly from the British Ministry to Fred and George's flat is a lot simpler than flooing to the Leaky. You've made the trip several times now over the past half year, so you have no issue tucking your luggage away into the corner of their sitting room and plopping down onto their couch to await one of their lunch breaks.

Drago immediately hops down from your shoulder and scrambles across the wooden flooring, only to claw his way up a wooden post tucked into another corner where the twins had set him up a perch. And seeing as it's going to be a little while until Fred or George have their first break, and not wanting to interrupt their work, you take to scouring their kitchen cabinets for something to eat before stealing one of their beds for a nap.

You're not too sure how long you've been asleep for when a loud voice, right next to your ear, sounds off. "Oi. Wake up!" Arms and legs squeeze you, and you tiredly blink your eyes open to one of the twins wrapped around you like an octopus. "How long have you been here?"

Gathering your wits, your eyes fall to the tie he's still wearing and the orange color of it lets you know it's Fred. "Not sure, Freddie," you yawn. "What time is it?"

"Little after two. Georgie's manning the shop."

Squirming in his hold, you pinch his waist until he lets you go with a laugh. "Got in just a little after ten," you tell him. "Raided your kitchen and then stole your bed. Sorry 'bout that."

"No you're not," he chuckles. "Now get your arse up and come join us downstairs. Shop closes at five today, then we're flooing over to mum and dad's, and Charlie will get there a little bit later."

Worrying your bottom lip you can't help but ask, "Should I be worried? I've never been good with meeting anyone's parents." Fred snorts and you whack him across his chest. "I'm being serious! I'm not even dating your brother and for some reason I'm being dragged to your childhood home."

"It'll be fine, Y/N. Trust me."

"Oh that's rich."

Fred gasps, mockingly holding a hand to his heart as if wounded by your words. "That hurt."

"Whatever you say, least handsome twin."


You push up from the bed, laughing as you hurry towards the door. "Hurry up, Weasley! You got kids to corrupt and I got shelves to browse through for my stash back home."

- X -

After being reassured that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley know of your travelling companion, Fred happily apparated with Drago wrapped around his neck and George apparated with you.

The Burrow is a home unlike anything you've ever seen, but the atmosphere and the feeling of home settles deep in your bones that you can't help but sag in relief. Fred immediately disappears through a swinging door and the following squawk of surprise sends you and George hurrying after him.

Mrs. Weasley is a short, round woman with red hair. Everything about her is motherly, especially the way she's whacking Fred with a wooden spoon for scaring her.

"Uh, mum. We've got a guest," George says, muffling his laughter. Drago is perched on the kitchen table, well away from the hilarious violence, watching Fred being attacked with sparkling eyes and wings tucked back.

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