SPN [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine spending Halloween watching horror movies with the Winchesters.

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Spreading out snacks on a coffee table, you can't help the giddy skip in your step as you then move from the lounge towards the kitchen to gather drinks. Dean's still in the kitchen, popping m&m after m&m into his mouth and he grins as you collect some beverages to take back towards the lounge.

"So do you have your three movie picks ready?" He asks as you walk down the hall.

"Yep. I added a little humor though," you tell him and then scoff at yourself. "We fight monsters for a living, yet some made up horror stories and a little makeup give me nightmares."

"You know if you're really that scared I'd be happy to share my bed with 'ya."

Glancing at Dean, you huff a laugh and shake your head in amusement. "Nice try, Winchester. I ain't that easy."

In the lounge the both of you find Sam picking through the stack of movies. "The Shining?" He muses.

"Hey, it's a classic!" Dean is quick to defend his choice.

"Alright, but the Exorcist?"

You gasp and whirl around on the elder Winchester. "Dick move, Dean! You know I can't stand that movie."

"Beetlejuice?" Sam then chuckles as he continues to name off the titles.

Before you can defend your own choice, Dean does it for you. "It's Halloween, man. It's not like we a got a gig or anythin'. Live a little."

"Yeah, Sammy. Join us."

With little reluctance, Sam joins the impromptu movie night. You manage to get through Beetlejuice, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and over halfway through the Exorcist before you need a pee break. Dean reluctantly pauses the movie and then laughs when you make Sam accompany you to the bathroom. Then on the way back, you grab a couple of blankets to make yourself even more comfortable.

The Shining is playing when Dean takes his own bathroom break, but he lets the movie play rather than pause it. Your feet are tucked up under you on the sofa and you're completely cocooned in a blanket. You never gave the Shining a chance, so nearly every other minute has you on the edge of your seat and wary of what's to come.

But instead of the movie terrifying you, real life does.

Something clamps down on your shoulders and roars above your head, and you scream your head off while flailing until you fall off your seat. An attempt to scramble up only ends with you bumping your head on the underside of the coffee table and uproarious laughter has you calming only somewhat.

"Oh, man. That was better than I expected."

"You're such a jerk, Dean."

"Don't be a little bitch, Sammy. It was funny."

"You're both assholes!" You shout, finally finding your voice. "You," you point at Dean, "for scaring the shit out of me and you," you then point at Sam, "for laughing. Just so you know, you're sharing your bed with me tonight."

Sam's amusement immediately vanishes. "Aw come on. I barely fit enough as it is."

"Tough luck. Maybe you shouldn't have laughed at me."

"You know," Dean drawls, "the offer to my bed still-"

"No! Bad puppy." Sam snorts and you turn your glare back him. "Laugh it up, Samuel. I tend to kick in my sleep." This time Dean snorts and Sam frowns as he starts to clean up the mess you accidentally made when you nearly knocked over the coffee table.

"Happy freakin' Halloween," Sam grumbles as he scoops up the fallen popcorn.

"And don't you forget it," Dean says.

You glare at both the brothers before turning your back on them, the corner of your lips lifting into a small smirk when they can't see you. If there was one thing you were certain of in your crazy life, it was that life with the Winchesters was never dull.

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