Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader] Pt. I

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Imagine being able to wield Mjölnir (Part 1 of 2).

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Trudging off the elevator that's dropped you off on Pepper and Tony's floor, you're surprised to see all the Avengers lounging about. They're all gathered around a glass coffee table that's littered with alcoholic bottles- everyone on couches or sofa chairs, all except Clint who seems to be happy to lounge on the floor.

"Y/N!" Tony jovially greets. Oh he's totally had more than a few drinks. "I didn't know you were home."

"Yeah. Got in yesterday evening, but I locked myself in my apartment to finish knitting some last minute Christmas gifts," you reply. Walking further into the room, you run your fingers through Steve's hair as he tilts his head back with a smile. And yep, it seems Thor's been sharing his stash of Asgardian mead again. "Hey, Bub. Buck," you greet with a tired smile as you then tug on a piece of Bucky's hair. Then turning your gaze back on Tony, you ask, "Do you know when my aunt will be back? We were video chatting last night, but I forgot to ask her and I don't want to bother her during her meetings abroad."

"Hmm.. two more days, I think. Anything I can help you with?"

"Nah. I just wanted to sit and chat and share a few glasses of wine with her. It's been a while since we just talked without having to worry about work or school the following day."

"Hey," Clint pipes up. "Did you get a start on Laura's-"

"Chunky knit throw?" You finish for him, grinning. "Yeah. It's already bundled up with a black silk ribbon under the tree in my apartment. In fact, the kids' presents are under there too. I figured out how to knit plushies and made baby Nate an Avenger set that I just finished early this morning. Just drop in and pick them up whenever."

"Awesome. How much do I owe you?"

Rolling your eyes, you let Tony tug you down onto the couch next to him and accept the glass of wine he seemingly produced from thin air while answering Clint. "Nothing. I did all this in my free time for fun and I get all my supplies on a card supplied by Stark Industries. You're good." He opens his mouth to retort, but you cut him while addressing the rest of the room. "So what are you guys up to besides getting drunk?"

"Trying to figure out who's worthy of lifting the hammer," Bruce says, fidgeting with his glasses before gesturing towards Mjölnir on the coffee table. "Nat refuses to even try and no one's been capable of lifting it so far."

"Well that's all about to change, isn't it Stevie?" Bucky muses, clapping his best friend on the shoulder. "Come on, Cap. You're up."

Thor chuckles as Steve tipsily stands, his face already tinted pink after all he's drank. You sip your wine while watching Steve roll up the sleeves to his shirt, then chuckling softly as Tony hurls insults under his breath next to you. Steve then makes a show of grabbing the hammer's shaft with both hands and lifting.. only for the hammer to barely budge.

You see it move and your eyes widen, your shocked gaze then quickly darting to Thor. His amusement immediately drops and you hold back a snort. In your peripheral you see Steve struggle for a few more seconds before admitting defeat, Thor then laughing nervously. "See? Nothing."

"Hey, Y/N, why don't you give it a shot?"

You look to Nat who's smirking behind the neck of her beer bottle and shrug. "If Captain Virtue can't lift Mjölnir, what makes you think I can?"

"Hey!" Steve frowns as Bucky chortles at the nickname.

"What? S'true," you grin. Eyes sparkling, you happily sip your wine until Tony nudges you.

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