SPN [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine Sam and Dean having saved you earlier in life only for you to run into them on the street and have them realize you're now also a Hunter working the same case they are.

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Standing up from the diner table you'd been occupying for the last hour, you shoulder the strap to your messenger bag while pulling a beanie down atop your head. Looking the part of a college kid was fairly easy considering you were in your last year at your own University, and no one in this town batted an eye at the college newspaper editor who was suddenly looking into the three suicides that had taken place exactly three months apart this passed year.

Now were you a real newspaper editor? No. But these kind people two towns over didn't need to know that.

Some people hadn't been too keen on talking about the deaths, but after explaining the fake article you were writing about the tragedy of their town had some people opening up to shed some light on the subject. Even more in your favor, some townsfolk told you what to google on the internet to find that the tragic deaths on their local campus went back over seventy years and were possibly cult-like.

Cult-like they were not, but the suicides did indeed go back over seventy years. Every year there were three deaths, three months apart. How no one saw the pattern blew your mind, then again you were well aware how supernatural situations tended to fly under the radar.

Exiting the diner of where you'd been writing your fake article while enjoying some lunch, you jog across the street to head towards the town library. But before you can get too far, you bump into two individuals.

They're quite solid and obviously male, and you curse as you stumble back. "Shit." Your gaze darts up and you cringe at the sight of their clerical collars. "Sorry, Padres. Didn't mean no offense."

You try to sidestep them, offering them a tight-lipped smile, but the uttering of your name has you stumbling to a halt. "Y/N?"

Glancing up in surprise, your gaze darts between the two broad-shouldered men and it takes a moment for their names to float to the forefront of your mind. "Sam? Dean?" Huffing a little in surprise, you grin faintly at how much the Winchesters seemed to have grown into themselves. "Wow. You guys are-"

"Uh. No. No, we're not," Dean is quick to assure you. "We're undercover."

"Oh. Well that makes sense," you muse. A moment passes and then you snort. "Oh man, you guys are totally going to Hell for this. Priests? Really?"

Dean shoves his brother's shoulder. "See! I told you. We should've just said we were FBI."

Sam, however, is quick to defend his choice of wardrobe. "The case called for delicate handling!"

"Then why not go undercover at the school?" You ask, rolling your eyes. "Oh that's right, you can't! You guys got old."

Dean mockingly gasps. "Excuse you, but we are not old."

"Mhm. Whatever you say, hot stuff."

The elder Winchester opens his mouth to retort, but then thinks better of it and preens at the nickname given to him. Sam chuckles and then looks to you. "So what brings you to town? Last I heard you were in college elsewhere."

"Oh I am, but I'm guessing you guys are here for the same reason I am. The suicides?"

Sam frowns. "Uh, yeah. But why would you.." He trails off and his eyebrows raise to his hairline as he looks you over. "You hunt?"

Dean scoffs, but your shrug and sheepish smile has him staring at you in surprise alongside his brother. "I couldn't go back to puttin' my head in the sand after my own little experience. But don't look so freaked out, guys. I stay close to home and only take on the cases I know I can handle. Most of the time, though, I do research before passing it on to a more experienced Hunter."

"You're in contact with other hunters?" Dean asks.

"Yep. We have a whole network online. Have you guys seriously not come across it?"

"Uh.. no," Sam scoffs. "How did we not know about this?"

"Well if you guys kept the same number instead of constantly changing it, I probably could've set you guys up with a profile." Sam and Dean look rather put out at your statement. "But since you guys are here, why don't you come back with me to my hotel room? I'll pass the case over to you with everything I've found out and show you the hunter network as well."

The brothers share a look before agreeing.

"Awesome. You guys will have to give me a ride since I'm basically walking to and from everywhere."

Dean grins. "You really are a broke college kid, huh?"

"Shut it, Strip-O-Gram."

Sam snorts, but leads the way nonetheless towards Dean's precious Impala.

The case might've started off as yours, but after everything you've found out you're more than happy to pass it along to the Winchesters in hopes of putting whatever ghostly entity to rest after so many years of killing.

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