TWD [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine Simon talking to Negan about you, the new hot girl at the Sanctuary. Not liking what he hears, Negan puts you under his protection so no other guy can bother you.

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Simon's leaning against the railing as he oversees some of the Saviors unloading the new supplies they've just come in to. Y/N, the new girl, catches his attention and he leers from the safety of his position. She was one of the more prettier females at the Sanctuary- one who refused Negan's offer to become a wife and sit pretty on her ass.

Dwight drives up, with Negan in the passenger seat, and Simon makes his way to head down to ground level. Stomping down the metal stairs, he shoves his thumbs into the pockets of his jeans as he then goes to follow after his leader.

Heading towards Negan, Simon whistles appreciatively as he passes behind Y/N. "Such a pretty little thing."

You hear the words and turn around, glaring at the man while holding a crate of hygiene products. Negan smirks as Simon tries to play it off as innocent words, and you roll your eyes before going back to work.

"Watch it, Simon. That girl has got some pretty sharp claws on her."

"Don't I know it. Justin slapped her on the ass for a job well done and she laid him out."

Negan stumbles to a halt, he turning on his heel to face Simon. "Excuse me? What did you just say?"

Simon frowns. "She laid out Justin?"

"Before that."

"Justin slapped her on the ass?"

"Yes. That." Negan punctuates his remark with a gesture with Lucille gripped in hand and Simon flinches. "Have I not made myself clear on the rules pertaining to the women around here?"

"Well you said no rape and Justin didn't-"

"I know the rules, dipshit," Negan then sneers. "I made them up." Simon averts his gaze and Negan rolls his eyes. "Pathetic. It seems I have to make things a little bit more clearer before I decide to bathe Lucille in blood."

Negan follows after Simon who's doing his best to un-hunch his shoulders and they end up on the metal balcony overlooking the Saviors still unloading the trucks. Simon whistles sharply, but when that only garners not even half of the Saviors' attention, Negan bangs Lucille on the metal railing until everyone is looking up at them and then hastily kneeling.

"It has come to my attention that apparently the rules aren't as clear as they appear to be," Negan shouts. "The Sanctuary is what the name says it is- a sanctuary! Which means that everyone should feel safe in the place they've made their home." Every single Savior is quiet, but Negan can see several of them glance at Y/N and then at Justin who's scowling.

"There was an incident earlier and though it's been taken care of, it doesn't sit well with me. Y/N!" Your head snaps up and your jaw clenches, eyes narrowing on Negan who suddenly grins at you. "If you have any more trouble, sweetheart, you come to me. As a matter of fact," he goes on to say while addressing everyone else again, "let it be known that Y/N is under my protection from now on. You touch her without her consent and it's an automatic date with Lucille for you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Dismissed. Get back to work."

As you go back to unloading crates, you realize that everyone is keeping some distance between you and them. You huff, but don't say anything and finish up fairly quickly. Then as you head for the stairs to go back inside, you spot Negan leaning against the railing and watching you.

Lips twitching, you fight off a grin as you stop next to him and lean your forearms against the railing while looking down at the lingering Saviors. "Why?" You simply ask him.

"I like you," he muses.

"I'm not one of your wives, Negan. You don't need to-"

"You don't need to be my wife to be protected," he cuts you off. "I like you, Y/N. You're a hard worker and while you don't put up with my shit, you also don't disrespect me when doing so. You don't deserve to have boys groping you."

You turn your head to stare at him, raising an eyebrow in surprise. "If you didn't have a harem of women, I think I might have just swooned there."

Chuckling darkly, Negan nudges you with his elbow. "Get inside and go get cleaned up. If people see me smilin' and laughin', it's gonna ruin my rep."

"Yeah, yeah, oh fearless leader." You push off the railing and nod once at him. "Until next time."

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