TWD [Rick X Reader]

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Imagine finding romance after the world has ended. You and Rick saved one another in such tough times, and finding out your brother is still alive throws a wrench into the new life you've made for yourself.

Sitting on your knees with your hands resting along the tops of your thighs, sweat beads along your hairline and drips down to your neck and back. Your group has been having trouble with another group of survivors, but you were mostly kept in the dark about the true going on's with the drama. Now, however, after attempting to get a severely sick Maggie to a doctor at a nearby community you've all been captured and lined up on your knees to await some terrible fate in the middle of nowhere.

After much taunting and being reunited with a few others from your group who are injured (someone really did a number on Daryl), the apparent big bad has been summoned from his RV that's been parked in front of you for the longest time.

Trembling in fear, you avert your gaze as the RV door swings open. Rick reaches over to grasp your hand and you immediately tangle your fingers with his. Whatever happens next, you're going to go through it together. But the second the newest addition starts speaking, your head snaps up and your eyes widen in both relief and confusion.

"Negan?" The swaggering individual pauses, his eyes seeking out the owner of the voice. Rick tenses beside you, his grip loosening but you grip tighter in return without letting your gaze drop from your big brother. "I thought you were dead."

"Well I'll be damned." Negan saunters over to you before crouching a couple feet away. "Where in the hell have you been?"

"Surviving," you deadpan. Gaze darting all over the place in a rather skittish manner, you ask, "What the hell is going on?"

"Well, sweetheart, it appears your little group has a lot to answer for."

"What?" Confusion makes your brow furrow and you turn to glance at your neighbor. "Rick? What's he talking about?"

Rick refuses to meet your gaze, instead he's intensely focused on Negan. Your brother. "This is the group we've been havin' issues with."

Almost immediately you understand and your attention whips back to your brother. "Your group is the one who've been giving us hell?!"

"Excuse me?"

"Jesus fuck, Negan!" Your hand goes limp in Rick's grasp and you wipe your palms off on your thighs. You shakily climb to your feet the same time Negan does and then scowl at those of his group who shift nervously while gripping their weapons in hand and taking aim. "Point that gun somewhere else before I rip your dick off and force feed it to you!" You snap, angrily, at one member in particular.

"Woo!" Negan laughs. His arm goes around your shoulders to tuck you into his side with a smile. "Gentlemen, let me introduce you to Y/N. My little sister."

You sneer at all his men who are suddenly second guessing themselves before turning your face upward and softening your features. "I'm all for this family reunion, bro, I really am but we need to go. Maggie's really sick and we need to get her some help."

He chuckles darkly. "Darling, I think we're going to have a problem if you think I'm going to let them go."

"That's bullshit and you know it. Your group started fucking with mine first. We were just protecting what was rightfully ours."

Eyebrows raising in surprise, Negan chuckles yet again. "You've gotten ballsy, kid."

"Yeah, well one needs to be ballsy to survive in the new world." Negan's smirk does not waver and your stomach churns. Your brother had been an asshole before the world went to shit and now that there are no authorities to keep everyone in check you assume he's only gotten worse. But you- he's always had a soft spot for you. "Look. Let my people go. Please." You quietly urge him. "Let them go.. and I'll stay with you."

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