Harry Potter [George X Reader]

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Author's Note: So I had trouble writing this, but I hope I got an inkling of what you were looking for.

undercover_Fangirl97 said: I died in the war, to safe Fred. My last words to George ' Sorry. I love you', keep always in his mind. Years passed by and as George and Freds time come, they see me in heaven again.

Hogwarts is on fire- death eaters and the Order and children flinging spell after spell at one another to tip the scales of war in their favor. You've long been separated from your childhood friends, Fred and George having each other's back as they buy Harry Potter some time to bring the Dark Lord down once and for all.

Flashes of purple and green have you ducking, dodging and diving. You fling your own spells and curses back at the death eaters, but the dark witches and wizards are much more knowledgeable in their spell work than you are. But your youth and stamina outweighs their own, so a few cuts and scrapes hardly do anything to slow you down as you rush through the castle to do as much damage as possible.

The one hallway you wind up in ends up being eerily void of any damage, and the laughing voice of Fred Weasley is like music to your ears. There's another familiar voice, Percy, and your heart soars at the thought of brother and brother finally reconciling during such terrible times.

You turn the corner as Percy cracks a joke and Fred erupts in raucous laughter. But at the other end of the hall, the sneering face of Augustus Rookwood emerges as well and takes aim with his wand. Fred and Percy don't see the deatheater in time, so with an immediate, "Protego Maxima!", a shield envelops both the Weasley's which unfortunately leaves you vulnerable. An explosion blows apart the wall behind your friends, sending everyone flying as debris falls atop of you.

There's instant pain and darkness, and shouts of worry. The pain is unbearable and something in the dark recesses of your mind just knows that no amount of potions or spell work is going to bring you back from this. Breathing is becoming harder as the seconds tick by and even though you should be relieved to have pieces of the wall levitated off of you so you're able to see again.. you're just exhausted.

"Y/N? Y/N! No, no, no."

You feel hands grab at you, but other voices are shouting that you should not be moved. Not yet.

"Y/N, open your eyes."

Your eyelids flutter open on their own accord. "Fred? Are you-" But the redhead is shaking his head and it's then you see the missing ear. Immediately, your eyes tear up. "It hurts, George."

"Shh. You're going to be fine," he whispers, tears of his own gathering in the corners of his eyes.

You shake your head. Your breath stutters as he picks up the upper half of your body, he letting you lean on him. His hand cups your cheek as he forces you to meet his gaze. Seeing the anguish in his eyes and just knowing you don't have long at all now, you murmur, "I'm sorry." He gulps and your breath stutters one last time. "I.. love you."

You exhale one last time before you know no more.

- X -

The Other Side is nothing you've imagined.

Everything is fogged over in a white smoke of sorts and the other souls lingering about pass by as white orbs. The only time they manifest as people is when they want to be known which is odd that you immediately know that about this place.

As you walk around in confusion, taking note of the differences between the orbed lights of the dead and the shades you sometimes glimpse of the living, you're met with Death. It's hard to mistake him for anyone else given the black cloak he's wearing, but you're surprisingly not afraid.

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