Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine being an Avenger, but also a secret part-time Victoria's Secret model which none of the Avengers- with the exception of Natasha- know about. At least not until there's a mission during one of your fashion shows and you have to hurry back to HQ.

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Being a model was something you never thought was possible, but the lingerie on your body and the wings on your back proved that it was. You'd been a Victoria's Secret Angel for a few years now and it was one of the most confidence boosting things you've ever done. Well.. that and being an Avenger when they were in need of your inhuman abilities.

Missions were slow to trickle in and you'd been on leave for a couple days now that having been requested by the modeling agency for the latest runway show had you feeling giddy. The agency knew of your superhero alter ego, so it was widely known in the fashion industry that if you mysteriously disappeared then you were not to be penalized.

Natasha had taken you to your latest show since she was the only one who figured out where you disappeared to every now and then, and she had backstage access to anything she wanted. And it was while Natasha was watching from the back that the phone call came in, you having just changed into your second outfit of the night.

Seeing her face, you groan. "No. Don't tell me-"

"It's time to suit up."

"Double shit." Your boss for the night had watched as you and Natasha huddled together, she then pulling a girl who'd been waiting in the sidelines in case of an emergency when you gave her the signal that you were about to leave. "Lets go. Do you know what's going on?" Not even grabbing your bag from your vanity, you follow Natasha as she leads the way to the stairs that would lead you up to the roof where the borrowed quinjet sat waiting.

"No. All I got from Steve was that we were needed back at HQ as soon as possible. The details will be waiting on the tablets. I'll fly, you brief us on what's going on."

Immediately getting down to business, you follow Natasha into the quinjet and settle into Avenger mode. Sitting on the back bench as your friend took the pilot chair, you read over the latest mission report that would have you suiting up alongside your superhero friends.

- X -

Natasha smoothly lands and your attention doesn't lift from the tablet in hand as you follow after her into headquarters. It's usually quiet during the night unless there's an event taking place which needs superhero attention, so the chattering voices aren't out of the norm. The sudden cease of all noise, however, has you on immediate alert.

Stumbling to a halt, you glance up and see everyone standing around and staring at you. Steve is standing at rest with Thor just behind his shoulder, both of them giving you a double take and then looking out around at everyone in confusion.

Tony walks in, gives you a double take, and smirks. "What's going on?" He asks, glancing around for an answer.

You gulp and look to Natasha, and she's smirking at you as well. It isn't until she lets her gaze drop and roam over your body that you realize what's wrong- you hadn't changed out of the outfit you'd been ready to walk the runway in. So as you stand there, everyone gets an eye full of your red lace bra, blue panties, a nude leather skirt in which the material only covers a few inches of each side of your thighs, and your black tulle wings.

Exhaling in annoyance, you harden your stare on the Black Widow. "Goddammit, Natasha. Why didn't you tell me I hadn't changed yet?"

"Tell you? I figured you would have realized it was a little drafty the moment we stepped onto the roof."

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