Midnight, TX [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine moving to Midnight, Texas and being interrogated by the locals. All goes well until a group of supernatural Hunters target the small town.

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Midnight, Texas was unlike any town you've lived in, but after the last few months you've endured.. Midnight is a breath of fresh air. Given your budget the dusty little town was the only affordable place you could find, so you readily set down roots without any doubts. And after making sure your one bedroom place had electricity and water, you set up an air mattress and then set out to find some food.

Home Cookin' was the local to-go restaurant, so you made your way there. The patrons all enjoying their nightly dinner stare at you as you enter, but you pay them no mind as you take a seat in the back room and away from prying eyes. The waitress who takes your order is fairly nice and she brings out your burger rather quickly.

So far you've been left alone, but halfway through your meal three figures drop in front of you- two females and a male. The blonde woman is staring at you as if she's trying to figure you out, the dark skinned woman with beautiful bouncy curls is smiling tightly, and the guy is the only one who appears genuinely welcoming.

"Hi. Welcome to Midnight," he says. "I'm Bobo. The beautiful lady next to me is Fiji and the blondie at the far end is Olivia. We're the welcoming committee."

"Uhh.. okay?" You chew the bite of food in your mouth slowly, then swallowing. "I'm Y/N."

"What brings you to Midnight?" Olivia asks. And wow. Okay. Straight to the point it is. "Midnight isn't exactly a place people choose to live. They only come here when they're running from something. Or hiding."

"'Liv," Fiji hisses, elbowing her friend before pasting on a smile and redirecting it at you. "I'm really sorry about her. She's.. protective of our little town."

"I get it," you feebly grin. "And I appreciate the bluntness. I don't really care for toeing around."

Olivia faintly smirks at her friends. "See!"

"And well, I guess you can say I am running."

That brings Olivia's attention back on you, her smirk vanishing and eyes hardening. "From?"

"Life." You shrug. When the three locals just stare at you, you sigh and take a drink of your soda. "Look. I chose Midnight because it's a tiny town. I just lost my entire family. I was the only survivor and I- I just need a place where everyone knows everyone. I need to immerse myself in a town where everyone will be in my business and checking on me because I can't be alone. I can't! And I know that sounds weird and clingy, but-"

"No," Fiji smiles sadly, shaking her head. "That's sweet. And I'm really sorry about your loss."

You don't know you're crying until Bobo hands over a napkin and gestures to your eyes. You huff and quietly take the napkin, thanking him in the process as you wipe under your eyes. Five more people enter the back room then, all males and you tense. Especially when the bald, dark skinned man with eerie blue eyes stills and stares at you. The same happens with the man who seems to be the oldest of the group, though he shakes himself out of his stupor and smiles politely.

"Guys," Fiji says, "this is Y/N. She's new to Midnight, so lets all play nice."

"Hey, I'm Manfred." The cutest guy of the bunch introduces himself as he takes a seat two chairs down from you. He then gestures down the table. "The guy next to Olivia is Lem, the two handsome fellas hiding in the corner are Joe and Chuy, and the man at the head of the table is the good ol' Reverend. We just call him Rev though."

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