Harry Potter [Charlie X Reader] Pt. I

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Imagine visiting Diagon Alley for the first time all because you wanted to see Weasley Wizard Wheezes in person. Some of their products ended up overseas and you were amazed by the creativity. But where you go, your newly acquired 'guard dragon' goes. How could you know that your pet would gain so much attention? Especially from the product makers themselves and their visiting brother who just so happens to be a Dragonologist. (Part 1 of 4)

After a long meeting with the Minister of Magic and the head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures to ensure you have complete control over your pet, you and your trusty companion Drago are finally permitted to explore the magical side of England. Walking through the Ministry with Drago perched on your shoulder garners a little more attention than you're comfortable with, so before leaving the building you make sure to don your cloak and wait until the little beast crawls into the hood to hide.

Flooing from the Ministry to a place called the Leaky Cauldron is an average trip, but you have to take a moment to soothe Drago who's trilling from the safety of your hood.

"There, there," you coo as you reach over your shoulder. Drago's little head rubs up against your finger before playfully nipping you. "I forgot to warn you. I'm sorry."

He seems to chirp in response, accepting your apology and then you make your way to the bartender who, after you've shown him your wizardry passport and approval stamp from the Ministry, lets you in through an alley wall which opens up to Diagon Alley. Diagon Alley is vastly different from any American magical shopping center you've been to, but it's a good different. Where America has opted to adapt to modern times, England seems a bit stuck in the traditional ways.

Having already exchanged your money with the MACUSA before port-keying out, you're allowed to browse the alley before making your way to Weasley Wizard Wheezes. WWW is an eyesore of a building, but it's fun. It's meant to draw attention and the animatronics of one of their creators helps even more.

You smile at the variety of products on display through the window and chuckle as you push your way inside. It's a bit chaotic with the excitement of all the patrons, as well as all the flying objects and the miniature exploding fireworks. It's more than a little crowded, but that just adds to the thrill of browsing.

Walking up to a box where at least the top foot of it is made of plexiglass, you smile down at the pink and purple little creatures that the box says are called Pygmy Puffs. What seem like tiny gerbils with a fur problem hop around, all of them trilling and thriving under the attention of the witches and wizards cooing over them.

"Those make great pets, love." The voice is right over your shoulder and you tense momentarily until the owner of said voice walks forward to stand by your side. "Noisy little buggers, but definitely worth it. Or so my sister says."

The red haired individual is wearing magenta robes and a name tag that that reads Fred. You grin at him before looking back at the puffs. "They're really cute, but I have my hands full at the moment. Can't really take on another pet."

"That's quite the accent? American?"

"Bingo." Giving Fred your attention once more, you say, "Some of your products made it into my brother's home, courtesy of his children who have pen pals over here, and I needed to see this place for myself. Made a vacation of it and everything."

"Really?" His eyes light up and his hand flies up to his heart in appreciation. "An entire trip across seas just to see what my twin and I made up? I like you."

"Ooh, so you're Weasley? Good job, man," you tell him while gesturing around his place. He beams in response. "Can you help me out then? I'm actually looking for a few things in particular."

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