Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine aliens invading New York which unfortunately leads to you triggering your curse.

By now aliens invading Earth is somewhat of the norm. But you've yet to be in any of the places during said invasion until now.

The music in your car is a little louder than usual which is why the screams of terror outside your little bubble don't alert you to what's going on. The streets aren't as crowded as they usually are, so you're driving a little faster as well. But something flies right over your vehicle, very low, and you immediately lean forward to glance up. The split second distraction is all it takes for you to T-bone another vehicle.

The airbag deploys and the radio cuts out just as other vehicles start screeching to a halt. Your face hurts from the impact and you can taste blood dripping into your mouth from your nose, and your chest and neck area hurts from the seat belt. Groaning, you're a bit confused as to what's going on around you and glance around. You're scared and confused.. and there's smoke coming from beneath the hood of your car.

Suddenly the door on your side is yanked open and none other than Captain America is there. "Miss? Are you okay?" You open your mouth to say something- to say anything!- but nothing comes out. All you can do is shrug. "Okay. It's okay. I'm going to get your out of here and find some help."

An explosion off in the distance sounds and you cringe, only to then yelp in pain when Captain America rips the seat belt off of you.

"Come on. Lets go."

On unsteady feet you follow after the Avenger. He shields you from the scurrying civilians and passes you off to someone unknown, but you're not paying attention to what's being said. Soon enough, however, a cold compress is being held to your nose and you take over holding it from the apparent First Responder. Then as you glance around the lobby, you realize it's just not any lobby you're in but the lobby of Avengers Tower.

As the sounds of fighting continue to rage on, your mind starts to dwell on the person you hit with your car. In a daze as Captain America rushed you to safety, you didn't even think to stop and check on the other person or persons in the other vehicle. But now- now you're curious and worried about them.

It takes less than an hour for the Avengers to come trooping back to their home, and then a few more minutes as the First Responders start letting people go to reunite with whomever they wish. The Avengers stick around to offer some comfort and assurance that the aliens are gone, and you stick around until you're one of the last ones lingering about.

Gathering what little courage you have, you make your way up to a rather battered Captain America. "Um.. Captain America, sir? I don't know if you remember me," you say while fidgeting under all the sudden stares, "but I was the one you pulled from the car who crashed into-"

"Yeah. No, I remember," he says, smiling tiredly. "Are you okay? Did you get checked out?"

"I don't care about myself," you distractedly tell him. "I'm more worried about the other person in the car that I hit. Did you see- did anyone get them out? I need to know that they're okay."

His expression falters. "Oh. I'm sorry, Miss, but they didn't make it."

Your stomach drops and your entire being fills with dread. "..what?"

"It was no fault of yours," he tries to assure you. "Not really. Everyone was a bit distracted-"

"No. You don't understand," you start to cry. "I can't have- I didn't mean.. I killed someone?"

A hand falls on your shoulder, most likely to comfort you, but you jerk out of their hold. It's the one they call Hawkeye. "Look.. you're not in any trouble. And I'm pretty sure you're in shock-"

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