AHS [Michael X Reader] Pt. II

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Imagine one of the witches finally finding out just exactly where your loyalties lie when it comes to witches vs. warlocks (Part 2 of 2).

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Downplaying Michael's importance to the witches didn't exactly go as planned seeing as the warlocks couldn't help but brag that one of their own was in line to become The Alpha, which was basically the male equivalent of The Supreme. Sure the witches sighed and rolled their eyes when you waxed poetics about Michael's eyes and smile, and they quickly dismissed your trip as unimportant, but the warlocks couldn't help themselves and now the witches were curious again.

This time when the warlocks put forth a summons, they wanted The Supreme herself. Not one witch wanted to make the trip, but a summons was a summons and The Supreme had to abide by it. So with Cordelia went Myrtle and Zoe, and you were left behind to keep an eye on the newest recruits and help them grow.

You didn't know what to expect from their trip, but them extending their stay wasn't planned. Nor was them coming back with the newly resurrected Queenie, Misty, and Madison, and the fact that Michael had passed the trials of The Seven Wonders. The witches all believed him to be the most powerful warlock they've ever seen and quite possibly the upcoming Alpha Warlock given that Cordelia's own powers were waning. But you? You knew better. You'd tasted the power wafting off of Michael and it was not the essence of a warlock. No, it was the essence of something much, much more.

And though everyone was excited for the return of the three witches, you couldn't help but think that the warlocks had been played and that Cordelia had all this planned. The Supreme freely shared her worries over Michael and told anyone who would listen that she had a vision- a vision of the world on fire and a demon boy standing above all else. The demon boy in question was Michael's true face- a face she saw and tried to warn the warlocks about but none had taken her seriously.

Fortunately for you, Cordelia still believed Michael to be a warlock of some sort and could be eased down a different path- a path of good. However, it soon appeared that a witch under the same roof as you was showing some questionable powers and could quite possibly be the next Supreme herself.

But if Mallory was to be the next Supreme, then what was Michael?

You knew he was no Alpha Warlock, but you didn't think the others would catch on quite this quick.

While Cordelia and Myrtle were keeping tabs on Michael and the warlocks, you'd been keeping an eye on Mallory

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While Cordelia and Myrtle were keeping tabs on Michael and the warlocks, you'd been keeping an eye on Mallory. Her powers were.. unimaginable and you knew things would quickly get out of hand the moment Cordelia realized the girl's true potential. And then came Mr. Chablis, an instructor from Hawthorne and apparent traitor to all warlocks. When you realized he was running scared after the sudden death of Mr. Moore, yet another instructor from Hawthorne who questioned Michael's intentions, you knew you needed to warn the Grand Chancellor.

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