TWD [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine being a mutual friend of Negan and Rick. After one of their pissing contests when Negan can't find you, he asks Rick if you're with them. You're not.. and it makes the both of them nervous. And angry at what your disappearance could possibly mean.

. .

. .

Waking up gagged and tied to a chair is never a good thing, but it's even worse now that you know what people are capable of when they're fighting to survive in a dead world. The last thing you remember is listening to your walkie crackle to life with horrified plea's and shouts of anger. Both Rick and Negan's channels were alive with threats and promises of hell to pay because of some sort of battle going on, so you got in your vehicle with the intentions of finding one of them only for your car to be clipped and turned upside down in a ditch. But all that was during the day and from what you can see through the dirty windows all around you, it's night time.

Now here you are- gagged and tied to a chair.

"Good. You're awake. Now you can tell me what I want to know." The voice belongs to a male so dirty that there are no distinguishable features about him. His hair is just passed his shoulders and the strands are caked together with so much dirt and grime.

You grunt behind the gag and set your eyes over the man's shoulder in defiance.

"Where are you staying? What kind of supplies do you have? How many people are with you?"

You shrug.

"You're out there living the good life in this dead world while the rest of us are struggling to even find a can of food. Now tell me or-"

A walkie crackles to life and when you spot it on the table just to your left, you realize it's yours.

"Negan to Rick, Negan to Rick. Come over, Rick the Prick."

The static cuts out before another familiar voice answers a moment later. "What do you want, Negan?"

"Well it seems our little birdie has flown her coop," Negan muses. "My saviors tell me she's not at the Sanctuary which means she can only be at Alexandria. When you find her, tell her to march her cute little ass my way. We got some details to hammer out about her staying on her own."

"I'll have someone look for her."

The radio cuts out and something in your chest shifts just a little. This is good. Even though they were caught up in their own shit, Negan still took the time to check on you. And now that he knows you're gone, which Rick will realize the same when you don't turn up at Alexandria, it'll only be a matter of time before scouts are sent out to look for you.

The man who has kidnapped you continues to ask you question after question, trying to get the location of your home so that he can scavenge all your supplies for himself. But you don't answer, stalling as much as you can, and only wince when spittle comes flying out of his mouth in anger when he starts shouting the questions at you.

Soon enough, the walkie crackles once more.

"Negan, this is Rick. Y/N's not here."

Relief floods through you. They know.

"Which means we got a problem." The clipped voice of Negan sends shivers up and down your spine.

"Calling a truce for just this moment," Rick says. "Are you sure she just didn't leave because she was tired of your shit?"

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