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From King's Cross station, they Apparated to their homes. Sirius went to his flat, after assuring James that he would go to Godric Hollow next Sunday.

The first Order of the Phoenix meeting for the new members was scheduled on 1st August. By unanimous opinion, the Marauders and Lily, Alice and Marlene had decided to not join the Auror training, though they had the required grades. They wanted to dedicate their entire time to the Order. Alice had told them that Frank, who was part of the Auror programme for three years, was facing a lot of pressure.

On Sunday, Sirius went to James' home, where the Potter family including Jinny welcomed him warmly.

During lunch, James' mother brought up the topic both of them wanted to avoid.

"I hear James has got a girlfriend, Sirius," said Anne Potter, slightly teasingly.

"Yeah...Lily," said Sirius.

James mentally cursed his mother's curiosity. Sirius decided that he did not want another rift with James.

"She has got red hair like yours, Mrs. Potter," said Sirius, grinning. "And weird green eyes."

"They're not weird," said James defensively.

"James thinks they are mesmerizing and enchanting—you get lost in them...don't you, James?"

Both Sirius and James' mother were laughing at James' expression.

At around seven in the evening, Sirius left, ending the enjoyable visit. He never had any doubt that Godric Hollow was the best household in the world.


James first visited a Muggle restaurant two days before the first Order meeting—Lily had invited him to one near her home.

It was late when he Apparated back to his home. He noticed at once that something was wrong. There seemed too many people in the streets, which were normally quite deserted.

Then he saw that some of them were wearing wizarding robes. Suddenly struck with a cold fear, James glanced at the sky.

The Dark Mark was hovering above Godric Hollow.


At around midnight, Sirius woke up abruptly with the scar on his hand tingling. He switched on the light and studied it—it didn't look unusual, but he felt very strongly that James needed him.

For a moment, he considered going back to sleep—it was nothing but a stupid hunch, after all, and if James needed someone, he'd want Lily anyway, thought Sirius bitterly.

Yet, five minutes later, he was striding out of of the door. A sudden movement startled him. The adjacent door opened and Mrs. Trott looked out.

"I saw your light, Sirius—where are you going, dear?"

"Just going to check on a friend of mine...I got this weird feeling that he's in trouble." Sirius Apparated to Godric Hollow quickly, and saw what James had seen half an hour ago. He quietly asked one of the wizards what had happened, and he told him that Mr. and Mrs. Potter and Jinny had been murdered by Death Eaters.

Sirius dashed into the house, trying to find James. He abruptly came across the parlour where the lifeless forms of the couple who had accepted him as their son were lying.

Though he felt like his heart had turned to stone, Sirius knew that James was having it a lot worse; he turned to go out of the parlour. Then he stopped for a moment and turned back.

Anne Potter—who had been the true mother he never had—was staring at him expressionlessly. He bent and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks...mum," he whispered, his throat closing up. He touched Harold Potter's arm. "Thanks, dad. Love you both."

Sirius rushed out of the parlour to find James.

He finally found his best friend in his parents' room, where he was sitting on the bed, staring at his father's slippers on the floor.

Sirius went in quietly and sat beside him, putting an arm around his shoulders. James looked around at him, and Sirius saw the unshed tears in his eyes. Neither of them spoke; they didn't want to, and even if they did want to, they couldn't.

James didn't want an elaborate funeral. The bodies were buried in the neighbouring graveyard few hours later. Only their closest relatives had been informed.

It was dawn by the time the place had been vacated, and the funeral completed.

"Let's go, Prongs," said Sirius gently, taking up James' trunk. James held on to his arm as Sirius Apparated to his flat.

Mrs. Trott was still waiting for Sirius. "You were gone so long," she said. The concern in her face and voice touched him.

"I'll explain to you in the morning, Mrs. Trott," he said quietly, taking James inside.

James still looked numb and cold. Sirius brought him a glass of water, and pushed him down on the bed.

"Go to sleep, mate. There's nothing more we can do."

"I'm afraid, Padfoot," said James in a very low voice, properly speaking for the first time since he had seen this dead parents.

Sirius sat down beside him and put his arm around him again. "Afraid of what?"

"So many people are dying because of this pointless war."

"I know. That's why we are going to fight them, right?"

"I don't want to lose someone else close to me." James clutched Sirius' arm hard.

"Look, Prongs, no one can guarantee that. But these are things worth fighting for, you know that."

James was silent.

"Don't overthink now, James. Go to sleep. We have our meeting day after tomorrow." When James was lying down on the bed, Sirius ruffled his hair affectionately and went out.

"Aren't you going to sleep too?" called James.

"Yeah...after a bit." But Sirius didn't intend to sleep, in case James needed him. The light in the next flat told him that Mrs. Trott was still awake. He called her in.

"Where were you?" she asked.

"My best friend's parents passed away...I had to stay with him."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," said Mrs. Trott sympathetically. "It was good of you to stay with him."

Sirius stared at her. "What? I couldn't have not stayed with him, could I?"

Mrs. Trott smiled, a little sadly. "You remind me a lot of my son. He died a few years ago in an accident. He even looked a bit like you."

Her words only made Sirius feel more strongly that the nicest people in the world have the worst luck.


In the morning, when James woke up, he saw that Sirius had breakfast ready, and Sirius insisted that he eat, though James said he wasn't hungry.

"You're beginning to sound like my mother, Padfoot," said James, lightly. The next moment, both of them felt miserable again. James' light-hearted remark was out of place.

The entire day was spent in sorting out the things they would need for the meeting and the training weeks afterwards.

Harold Potter had told them what they would need. The memory of that broke James' resolve to not cry. But later he felt that it was ok to break down once or twice in front of Sirius because he was...well, Sirius.

Sirius didn't let James work much, doing both of their packing mostly alone.

That night too, Sirius slept very little on the couch beside the bed, in case James woke up from a nightmare or something. 

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