Chapter 27 New Life

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Katniss POV

I open my eyes, feeling warmth against my back. Cato. I smile and sit up, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"Morning babe." I look down and see him awake as well. "You sleep well?"

"Oh yes." I say leaning down, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "Better than ever."

"I'm glad...glad you came here for me." he says sitting up.

"You knew I would. I love you Cato." I say resting my head on his chest.

"I love you to Katniss." he says. I smile and we stay like this for a while before I sit up. 

"I gotta take a shower." I say standing up.

"May I join you?" he asks. I nod so he jumps up and follows me to the bathroom where I turn the hot water on and we step in. After our shower we head downstairs and into the living room.

"So, you wanna do something special today?" he asks wrapping his arm tightly around me.

"Well...I thought about looking around for a job." I say making him nod.

"Sounds good. You know....I think my sister Clove may be looking for somebody to help in her knives shop." he says.

"Knives shop?" I ask confused.         

"Yes, she loves them to death and opened a shop about a year ago." he says.

"I could try there. I don't know much about knives though." I say.

"Thats not a problem. She'll help you." he says making me smile.

"Okay than. I'll go there today." I say. He nods and we turn the TV on.

"Should I make some breakfast?" he asks.

"That would be nice." I say. He nods and stands up, walking to the kitchen. Than my phone beeps. I pull it out and see a text from Carrie.

Katniss I don't know what happened but you have to come home. Peeta's not doing good at all, even though he doesn't show it. He needs you more than ever and if he still means something to you than you'll come back.


Damn it Carrie! I sigh and look down. Maybe I shouldn't have left Peeta like that. I mean....he needed me and I just left. I must be the biggest bitch ever.

Don't worry, I'll be home in a week.


I put my phone away and stand up.

"Cato?" I say walking to the kitchen.

"Yes love?" he asks turning.

"My brother got hurt, really badly and In a week I gotta head back to see him." I say.

"Oh...yeah thats fine. Should I come with?" he asks.

"No, I got it. Your needed here." I say. He nods and gives me a short kiss.. I walk back to the living room and sit down.

~Later that Day~

Cato and I are on our way to Clove's knives shop. I am abit nervous caus47-e this would be my first real job. We walk down the street and I see a wooden sigh with two fake machetes hanging on the bottom that says 'Clove's Knives and Hunting Gear'

"Oh, a hunting shop too?" I ask.

"Yes, I forgot that part I guess." he says with a smile. We walk in and see a black hair woman standing at the counter.

"Hey Cato." she says smiling.

"Hi Clove. This is Katniss, the girl I told you about." he says. I hold my hand out and she takes it with a smile.

"Nice to meet you." she says. "Cato called and said you were looking for a place to work."

"Yes, if its okay." I say.

"Its fine, I need somebody that could help me." she says. "I'll show you the hunting area." I nod and follow her to the left side of the shop. "Okay, what do you know about bows?"

"Everything. I'm a hunter myself." I say making her smile.

"Thats good." she says. Well...I'm getting a job and a new life but Peeta is still in my mind and I still have to see him next week. My stomach is twisted already.


I really hope its okay but I'm dealing with a problem right now.

Nikki :)

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