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Recap (because I haven't updated in a million years) : Avery met her parents. Avery broke up with David. Nami went to California to talk to her old friend Lillian. And at the end of last chapter Ian affirms Avery by saying no amount of scary could keep him away from her.


"Anna!" Avery squatted down to hug the eagerly child.

"Hi," Anna grinned when they pulled away and Avery stood up with Anna's hand in hers.

"Hi," Avery smiled at Ian.

"I was expecting the same greeting you gave Anna but whatever." He shrugged as he stepped into the aside to let Avery into his house.

"Well, you're gonna have to get as cute as her for that to happen," Avery shrugged as Ian closed the door.

"Yeah, Daddy, you have to be cute like me!" Anna giggles and in one big swoop, Ian picked Annabelle off the ground and flipped her upside down.

"Say you're sorry," Ian ordered as Anna screamed and giggled.

"No!" Anna fought.

Avery bit her tongue in fear as she watched Anna upside down on her father's shoulder. She's shouldn't be this stressed and worried about this because she's sure Ian knows what he's doing. But she couldn't help but think at how dangerous this was.

So, she looked away.

Ian tickled Annabelle who writhed and giggled under his grip before he placed her down.

"Okay, here is the plan," Ian said and Avery turned to face him with a small smile.

"Plenty of toys and snacks to keep her busy," Ian nodded.

"Oh, don't worry about that, we are going to do something super fun today, Anna." Avery winked at her before smiling at Ian.

"Still think you need adult friends," Ian whispered and Avery rolled her eyes. He let out a small chuckle before bending down to give Annabelle a proper goodbye.

"Eli, should be over in a few hours to pick her up. If not, I will come get her and we can go to the club."

"You don't have to come get her, I can watch her longer if you need me." Avery nodded before smiling down at Annabelle.

"Okay then, have a good day ladies," Ian waved as he closed the door behind him and Avery turned to Anna.

"Ready to have some fun?" Avery asked and Annabelle nodded eagerly.

Avery and Anna were playing with puzzles when Anna looked up at Avery and frowned.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked and Avery's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Wh- What?"

"Daddy use to have Amy as a girlfriend and now he doesn't," Anna said and Avery nodded.

"Okay," Avery frowned.

"You and Daddy should be girlfriends," anna said and Avery bit back a laugh.

"Anna, do you know what that means?" Avery asked before covering her laugh with a cough. She didn't want Anna to think that she was laughing at her. But this situation was more than humorous.

"It means you guys love each other and you kiss a lot." Anna said before placing a puzzle piece in place and Avery let out a laugh this time.

"That's actually, a pretty close explanation." Avery nodded.

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