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Avery slammed the door shut before her eyes scanned the room for her best friend in anger.

"I swear I'm going to quit." She  choked out through her teeth before plopping down next to her friend on the couch. "Then I'm gonna dump Cameron."

Nami looked up from her laptop at her distressed friend with wide eyes.

"Do the second part right now." She nodded before grabbing her phone off the coffee table and handing it to friend. "You can even use my phone to call him."

Avery rolled her eyes in annoyance before pushing the phone away.

"What happened?" Nami asked once she realized that her friend wasn't going to break up with her shitty boyfriend, but was only being dramatic.

"My boss got angry at me because I can't come in tomorrow morning. Even though I told her I  have classes in the mornings multiple times. She just wants to be a bitch and not understanding that I'm trying to graduate."

"Tell her to take the spatula out of her ass." Nami rolled her eyes and Avery gave her a weird look.

"I'm serious, you always come home in a bad mood because she's always bitching at you. Clearly there's something stuck up her ass."

"Maybe I should just quit." Avery frowned.

"I don't oppose to that  idea, because your mental stability matters to me. But we are broke as hell, you need this job." Her friend pointed out.

Running her hands through her untamed blonde curls Avery let out a sigh.

"You could always come work at the day care." Nami suggested.

"Fuck that!"

"I thought so." 

"I'll check the job board on campus tomorrow. Maybe there's some restaurants hiring."

"Okay, I'll look too. The daycare is getting pretty slow. I need more hours." Nami nodded before standing up.

"What do you want for dinner?"

"Whatever's fine." Avery smiled as she watched her friend walk to the kitchen.

Two years ago, Avery was the one fighting Nami to save their money because Nami was spoiled to the core. She came from a rich family with two neurosurgeons as parents and she never wanted for anything.

So when she defied her parents and decided that she didn't want to go into medicine but early childhood education instead, the Ohs cut their only daughter off financially.

Going from rich to poor was not an easy transition for Nami, and sometimes, she still finds herself splurging at her favorite online stores before contributing to the bills she and Avery had to pay. But, with the help of Avery, a girl who only knew poor, the two are managing to survive.

"I'm gonna go study." Avery stood up.

"Wait, why did you want to break up with Cameron?" Nami called after her and Avery turned back around.

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