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Ian barged into Elijah's office and he looked up with a surprise look on his face.

"It doesn't feel so nice when someone barges into your office does it?" Ian asked before closing the door behind him and Eli rolled his eyes.

Elijah's office isn't really an office. It's more of a spare room that use to hold pool equipments with a desk inside. Ian was in the works of getting him a real office in the clubhouse.

"I at least give you the curtesy of knocking first."

"As if that makes much of a difference," Ian sighed before taking a seat across from his brother.

"What can I help you with?" Eli asked.

"Replacements," Ian said. "You need new lifeguards now that Nami is leaving in about a month and you need to replace the college students that are going back to school."

"Right," Eli nodded.

"Any idea of how you'll do that?"

"Ads? Or post it on the college campus like you did last time." Eli replied and Ian nodded.

"Okay," Ian nodded and Eli placed his pen down and looked at his brother.

"What's the real reason you're here?" Elijah asked. "Because you and I both know it wasn't for you to tell me how to do a job I already know how to do."

"I need you to go the benefits thing this weekend for me." Ian let out a sigh.

This weekend there is a business banquet for the board members with all of the people who donate and contribute to keep the country club running and either Ian and or Eli need to be present.

"No," Elijah chuckled.

"Come on, you love those kind of things and you haven't been to a single one this year. Give me a break."

"First of all, I use to love those when I wasn't a board member because I could drink and hook up with the beautiful daughters of our donators but I can no longer do that. So, I hate them. Second, I have plans this weekend."

"No you do not," Ian rolled his eyes.

He was right. Elijah did not have plans but he also did not want to do this.

"I have a daughter that I haven't had a full weekend with in a whole month." Ian reminded and Eli shook his head at his brother.

"You're gonna use Annabelle as an excuse to get out of this?" He asked and Ian nodded.

"Yeah, because it's true."

"I'm still not going," Eli shook his head.

Ian let out a sigh and looked up at the ceiling before looking at his brother. He's going to regret the words that are about to leave his mouth.

"I'll let you set me up on a date," he sighed.

Elisha gave him a night smile before nodding. "I would love to go to this benefit dinner."

"I hate everything about you," Ian muttered before standing up.

Elijah has been asking to set Ian up with a date since a week after Ian and Amy broke up. To Eli, having a rebound is important in properly moving on from a relationship. Ian didn't agree with that philosophy because he didn't believe in mindless dating and sleeping around.

But Ian did believe in the importance of spending quality time with his daughter and he honestly had not spent much time with Annabelle due to work. So, he was happily willing to sacrifice an awkward date to spend the weekend with his daughter.

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