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"What the hell do you mean?" Avery scoffed at Nami and Nami laughed.

"You can't get Ian a wallet for Christmas." She shook her head at Avery.

"I'll get a nice one," Avery shrugged and Nami shook her head no.

"That's boring! Wallets are something a wife gets her husband after twenty five years of marriage because she knows he needs one. Like when your parents get you socks because they know you need new ones.  Don't get Ian a wallet." She said and Avery sighed.

"I don't know what the get him then." Avery bit down on her fingernail.

"God, I'm so bad at presents." She released her thumb nail from her mouth and sighed.

"Avery, you're actually really good at gift giving. You've given me some amazing and thoughtful presents." Nami corrected.

"Yeah, but that's because I know you and I know what  you actually want. A box of condoms here and a new pair of shoes there and we're good."

Nami rolled her eyes before pulling out her phone.

"My twentieth birthday, you made me a homemade videos filled with all of our memories and you had my friends participate by adding things they loved about me. I still watch that video sometimes."


"And for Christmas last year, you made me my first future teacher ideas book. You don't know shit about teaching but you went way out of your way to make me that. And I am using those ideas in my own classroom now."

"Ok, I knew you'd like those, because I know you!"

"And you know Ian," Nami reassured.

"I don't," 

"You're just afraid of going deep and thinking of a thoughtful gift for him."

"Yeah, because we just started dating, I should keep it simple."

"You two are way past started dating. You've been written in the stars for so long it's not even funny. You just need to get over yourself and be vulnerable."

"But I hate being touchy feely," Avery muttered and Nami patted her arm gently.

"I know, but he's your boyfriend. There's no one better to be touchy feely with then him." Nami smiled. "Besides, he'll eat that shit up."

"Yeah, probably," Avery muttered as a ghost of a smile appeared on her face.

"How are you guys by the way?" Nami asked and Avery's smile turned into a frown.

"We're good," she nodded.


"I had another nightmare the other night. Something about a baby falling down the stairs." Avery sighed and Nami frowned.

"A baby?" She asked and Avery shrugged.

"I can't control my brain." Avery got defensive and Nami kept her mouth shut.

"Anyways, he didn't say anything but I know he wanted to. He asks a lot of questions."

"Because you're not giving him answers," Nami said softly and Avery shook her head.

"That's because they don't concern him."

"They should,"

"No, not really. What is he going to be able to do if I tell him what my nightmares are about? He can't go in my head and make them go away. He can't take the parasomnia away."

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