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Avery was rummaging through her closet and drawers when Nami barged into her room.

Her eyes scanned the room at the mess and widened before she focused on Avery who was tossing things out of the closet.

"Avery," Nami said and Avery brought her head up and her eyes shined with hope.

"Oh thank goodness you're back. This whole nine to five thing is messing with me." Avery walked towards Nami.

"I work eight to four," Nami corrected.

"Same difference," Avery sun Nami around towards the door. "I need to raid your closet."

"What? Why?" Nami asked as Avery pushed her towards her room.

"Because, Ian said to wear something athletic for our date and turns out everything athletic I have own is nonexistent or ugly. So I'm borrowing something of yours."

Nami stopped walking causing Avery to collide with her back.

"Holy shit," Nami slowly turned around and gawked at Avery.

"I know! That's why you need to help me. He's going to be here in like an hour."

"You're nervous," Nami said and Avery shook her head no.

"No I am not," Avery said more for herself than Nami.

"You've never cared about your clothes on a date before."

A ruckus followed by a string of cursed words came from the kitchen and Avery frowned in curiosity.


"Hey, Babe? What shelf does shrimp go on?" Joshua called from the kitchen and Avery's face soured.

"He's here?" She asked and Nami rolled her eyes.

"We're making dinner together." Nami told her as they walked towards the kitchen. Ignoring Avery's fashion crisis for the time being.

"It goes in the freezer, we're not cooking the shrimp today." Nami informed Joshua and he looked past the fridge door and smiled at her.

"Got it," he nodded before smiling at Avery.

"Hi Avery," he greeted and Avery crossed her arms at him and he let out a sigh.

"Are you still upset with me?" he asked and Avery rolled her eyes.

"Am I still upset that you popped the question to Nami before consulting with me? No, not at all." Avery replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Be nice," Nami snacked Avery's arm. "That's my boy- fiancé." She corrected herself with a bright smile.

She was still getting used to calling Joshua her fiancé instead of boyfriend.

"Not to be confused with your girl fiancée," Joshua winked at Nami and Avery rolled her eyes again.

"How did you even get her ring size?" She asked Joshua.

"I have my ways," he shrugged smugly and that only frustrated Avery more.


"Oh come on," he smiled at her. "You can't stay mad at me forever."

"Don't tempt her," Nami cut him off before walking to him and wrapping an arm around his waist and he happily wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

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