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"I dare you to do something nice."

Avery Campbell let out out a sigh before sipping her skinny caramel macchiato. She looked at her best friend sitting across from her outside of the small coffee table and shook her head.

"Nami, let me drink my coffee in peace." Avery replied before looking up at her friends brown eyes.

Nami was beautiful. Her soft brown eyes were always light with happiness and her oval face was always lit up with a small smile.

"Just one thing." Nami laughed and Avery let out a sigh.

"This is only my second cup of coffee today and you need to shut up." She demanded while Nami simply rolled her eyes.

It doesn't matter how rude her friend is, Nami can always handle Avery's crap attitude.

"If you do one nice thing, I will do the groceries for the month." Nami bargained.

"Shit, you got yourself a deal. Next month was my month anyways." Avery nodded.

Being two college students is already hard, but when you're living on your own without any other financial help, things are just harder.

Satisfied, Nami scanned the street for a damsel in distress. If she has to do groceries for the both of them next month too, this has to be really damn good.

Spotting an old man about to cross the street, Nami perked up.

Avery hates old people.

But her excitement deflated when she noticed a teenage girl offering to help him cross the street.

Damn teenagers.

Avery glanced up from her phone and at her best friend.

She thanks God everyday that she received Nami as her roommate.

Of course when they first met she had a different opinion of the her Asian best friend.

With their polar opposite lives, Nami from a rich family and Avery from no family at all, the two did not find it easy to get along.

But with time, they started leaning onto each other through the hard times of being college freshmen and before they knew it, they were buying an apartment together off campus for their sophomore year.

"Give up yet?" Avery inquired. Getting no answer from Nami, she glanced back down at her phone.

"I've got it!" Nami cheered a good five minutes later and Avery raised an eyebrow at her.

"Took you longer enough."

"That guy over there has been trying to get that balloon out of that tree for the longest time." Nami stated, ignoring her friend's remark.

Turning to where her friend was pointing, Avery raised an eyebrow at at the grown man that's attempting to grab a Minnie Mouse balloon out of a tree.

"What the hell is he doing?"

"Go over there and help him get his balloon." Nami grinned.


The idiot can't climb the tree? She thought.

"Groceries." Was her friend's response.

Avery let out a sigh before her chair scrapped the floor of the outside loung of the coffee shop as she stood up.

"You have to use please and thank you at least once."  Nami smirked.

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