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The third round of pounding on the door is what woke Avery up from sleep. And that pissed her off.

Avery had stayed up for most of the night, traumatized at the idea of a gun in hers and Nami's apartment. She wasn't sure why, but Avery was terrified of the thing and it kept her up.

So when a fourth set of knocks came on the door, Avery let out an annoyed scream.

"NAMI!" She screamed.

She wasn't aware that Nami had gone for an early groceries run.

Not hearing anything except for another set of knocks, Avery got out of bed to channel her anger at the unwelcome guest. She didn't even bother putting pants on as she stomped out of her bedroom and down the hallway to the front door.

Mid-knock, Avery opened the door and glared.

"What the fu- Who... Joshua?" Avery stammered and Joshua Snyde gave her a smile before looking her up and down.

"Hello, Nami's roommate with no pants on," Joshua greeted and Avery's eyes widened and she pulled her shirt down a bit.

"Uhm..." she opened her mouth but nothing came out. She was frazzled.

"Give me a second," she said before walking away, giving Joshua a perfect view of her bikini underwear covered butt.

"Don't you dare stare at my ass," Avery threatened without looking at him and Joshua looked away with an amused smile on his face.

Avery quickly slipped on a pair of shorts and slipped a bra on before returning to Joshua.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she pulled her hair up in a high ponytail and Joshua stepped away from the pictures that was hanging on the wall.

Avery and Nami's apartment was quaint, small but not cramped. The two woman worked really hard to make it a home and they were proud and pleased with it. But to Joshua's trust fund and lavish living, eyes, the place was tiny and unimpressive.

"Where's Nami?" Joshua faced Avery.

"It is seven something in the morning, I was asleep when you knocked up a storm at my door, I don't know where Nami is."

"Well, can't you call her?"

"Can't you?" She asked and Joshua let out an annoyed sigh.

"If I thought that was going to work, I would've done that. But, I want to surprise Mi-Mi and I can't ruin it now."

Avery blinked at him for a moment before shaking her head and walked towards the coffee maker. She could feel herself running out of patience and she needed her caffeine.

"It is way too early to deal with you two and your pet names." She sighed and Joshua followed her.

"Nami has a pet name for me?" He asked and Avery could detect the eagerness from his voice.

"Oh yeah," she snorted a laugh before facing him. "She has plenty."

"Asshat, for one"

Joshua's face fell and the tiny excited grin he had slipped away.

"Lucifer Risen, is another,"

"But my personal favorite is Dick Juice," Avery smiled and Joshua face turned into a grimace as Avery chuckled.

"Dick Juice?" He mouthed and Avery nodded before starting the coffee.

"She is not a fan of you and your best bet right now is to leave before she come back." Avery explained.

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