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"Can I touch your hair?" The four-year-old asked and Avery turned to face her. A pair of striking blue eyes looked up at her in curiosity and she smiled.

"Why would you want to do that?" She asked.

"To see if it's bouncy," Annabelle answered with pursed lips.

Avery almost laughed at the calculating look in her eyes and she squatted down to Annabelle's level.

"Well, that's a good enough hypothesis to want to be analyzed." Avery said and Annabelle frowned.


"It means that you're curious." Avery smiled and Annabelle nodded. Avery pointed to her head, giving Annabelle the go ahead and the happy grin on the child's face almost made Avery laugh out loud.

"It is bouncy." Annabelle smiled before releasing a lock of Avery's hair from her fingers.

"Belle," Ian's voice called and Annabelle turned to face her father. She ran towards his arms and he gladly caught her.

"What are you doing?" He asked and she wrapped her short arms around his neck. He laughed at his daughter before he looked at Avery.


"Hi," she smiled back. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ears, she pointed to Annabelle.

"She wanted to see if my hair was bouncy."

"She does that," he smiled. "I thought your shift started at five?" He looked at his watch and Avery nodded at him.

"It does, I'm just here for a cup of coffee before my shift." She explained. "Don't worry, I make sure to not clock in until my shift is to start and I pay for my cup of coffee."

"It's okay," Ian explained as Annabelle wiggled out of his arms to get down. The second her feet hit the ground, she started running.

"Slow down, Belle," Ian warned but didn't make any move to stop his daughter.

"Are you aware that employees get free coffee?" Ian asked as the two of them walked towards the kitchen.

"I am aware," Avery laughed. "I just didn't know if you were aware so I put up a front."

He chuckled before shaking his head at her.

"You lied to your boss' face."

"Speaking of boss, am I supposed to call you Mr. Clark?" She scrunched her nose up in distaste.

"That would be my father, so, no. Ian is good." He explained and Avery nodded. They reached the back door to the kitchen and Ian pushed it open and held the door.

She wanted to ask him to a cup of coffee right now. She knows she shouldn't because he's her boss and he's probably very busy. But, she felt the urge to do so. She wanted to hang out with Ian. To see if he was the same kid she knew from so long ago.

"What kind of coffee do you guys use here?" She asked instead. She will not be pathetic and ask her boss for a cup of coffee. Avery Campbell doesn't do pathetic.

"That's a secret we won't ever tell." One of the waiters walked in behind Ian. His name was Finn.

During Avery's first shift here, Finn had come up to her and stuck up a conversation. In the five minute of talking to him, she had concluded three things about him. He was the most outgoing person she'd ever met, nothing can embarrass him and he was one the sexiest man she has ever laid her eyes on.

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