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Ian ran his hands through his hair to fix it before letting out a frustrated sigh and walking out of his room to go downstairs. if his hair wasn't going to cooperate, staring at it wasn't going to do anything.

"Stephanie?" He called out to Annabelle's babysitter.

She was in the living room setting up a tv show for Annabelle to watch. Ian walked in and stood at the doorway and she turned to face him.

"I'm going out but I don't know how long I'll take. If I'm not back before Anna's bedtime, call me so I can sing her her song and say goodnight." Ian explained and Stephanie nodded.

Stephany King was a junior in college. She's studying nursing. So, when Ian was looking for a good sitter for Annabelle, Stephanie made the cut easily. She was bubbly and kind and managed to get Annabelle to eat a proper dinner once in a while.

"Sounds good, I'll see you later." She smiled and Ian nodded.

"Did you want to cook for the two of you tonight? If not I can have Eli bring food for the you." Ian asked.

"Actually, there's this new vegetarian place that opened up downtown with some amazing kid friendly options, I was thinking of taking Anna there." She smiled and Ian chuckled.

"Good luck getting Anna to eat anything that isn't chicken tenders and fries in public."

"Give me a little more credit Ian, I know how to trick Anna to eat her veggies." She smiled.

"That is true," he smiled. "I'm gonna say goodbye to my girl, I'll be back."

Ian walked away and back upstairs to say goodbye to Annabelle who was preparing for a tea party in her room.

"Daddy," Annabelle grinned and disregarded her toys to go hug her father.

"Hi, Princess," Ian picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Setting the table for a tea party,"

"I'm gonna miss a tea party?" Ian whined for Anna's sake.

"It's okay," Anna grabbed her father's face. "We can have another one."

"You'd do that for me?" Ian asked and Anna nodded.

"Thank you Belle," he smiled before giving her an Eskimo kiss.

"I gotta go but I'll see you soon okay?"

"Okay," Anna nodded before Ian put her back down.

"Don't drink all of the tea,"

Before Ian could go on his date, he had to go to Elijah's place to find out where he was going and who he was meeting.

Elijah has taken it upon himself to send Ian on the perfect rebound date. Ian has no idea what it entails but he knew that it's bound to be something interesting if his brother is setting this up.

There's never a dull moment with Elijah Clark.

Using the spare key that Eli gave him, Ian opened the door to the apartment before calling out Eli's name.

"Kitchen!" Eli called back and Ian followed towards the kitchen.

A bit of trash was lying around but nothing unbearable. However, the kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes.

"Do you ever wash your dishes?" Ian asked in disgust.

"Okay, do I come to your place and judge your dirty dishes?" Eli snapped back. He was typing away at his laptop and didn't notice his brother's look of disapproval.

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