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Avery passed by Elijah without so much as a glance before walking into the kitchen to get an order for one of her tables. Elijah let out a frustrated sigh before walking away towards the hostess stand we're Ian was greeting guests. Something he does once in a while to familiarize himself with the club members.

"Have you talked to Avery Campbell yet?" He asked his older brother.

"Nope, is there a problem?" Ian frowned and Eli shrugged.

"Guess she's still pissed about what happened because she's not even looking at me."

"Well, you accused her of being a criminal," Ian smiled as a customer walked in.

"Accidentally," Eli muttered under his breath.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lowery," Ian walked up to older couple and Elijah stood back and took notes.

He watched as Ian smoothed talked the Lowerys into a bliss before the three of them walked off to a table. When he came back, Eli was looking at his brother, impressed.

"They're going with a bottle of the Merlot tonight instead of their usual single glass and Mr. Lowery is ordering a ribeye."

"Not bad, big brother," he nodded and Ian rolled his eyes. "But I can do you one better." Eli winked at a trio of older women walking towards the restaurant.

Completely unimpressed, Ian watched Elijah flirt the ladies to their tables, talked to them for a few minutes and made his way back to the hostess stand. Grinning, Elijah leaned himself on stand and looked at his brother.

"Expect to see the names of those three lovely women on your desk tomorrow because all of them want to open a membership at Pine Vista."

"I hate you," Ian smiled and shook his head and Elijah let out a full laugh.

"You can thank me later," he said as Ian walked away from him. 

When Ian was walking back from walking Mr. and Mrs. Burton to their cars, a familiar face making his way towards the restaurant stopped him for a moment. The person had been to the club a few time but they didn't have a membership. Maybe tonight with Eli's luck, they will sign up.

When Ian walked back into the restaurant however, Elijah and the customer were arguing.

"Sir, she's at work at the moment, I can have her see you during her break time." Elijah tried to reason but the man wasn't having it.

"I need you to pull her out of work right now,"

"What's going on?" Ian stepped forward.

"This man needs to see Avery, but she's with a customer right now and she has four tables open." Eli explained and the man turned to face Ian.

"I'm her boyfriend, I need to speak with her. It's urgent." Cameron snapped and Ian nodded. He didn't believe this was urgent at all. But, this man looked like he was willing to cause a scene.

"I understand, stay here please and I will go get Avery."

Ian glanced at his brother who was looking at him with a surprised eyebrow. Ian sent him a silent signal to indicate that he too didn't believe that whatever Cameron had to say was urgent in any way.

Ian found Avery in the kitchen, she had just finished putting dirty dishes aside and was about to go turn in her ticket for table five's bill when Ian stopped her.

"There's a man here to see you, says it's urgent," Ian nodded towards the door and Avery gave half a smile.

"Took him long enough. But then again he had to deal with dear Scarlett." Avery nodded before picking up some menus to bring back to the hostess stand.

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