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Not Edited (I don't have time sorry)

Nami had set out certain rules for herself and for Joshua to follow if they wanted their 'first date' to go well.

Rule number one, there would be no mention of past mistakes. Not from Nami and not from Joshua.

Rule number two, neither of them were going to do out of the box things that they knew would get them bonus points with the other.

For example, Joshua wasn't going to wear his glasses, which he hated wearing, but, he knew that Nami found them attractive. And Nami wasn't going to curl her hair even though he knew Joshua liked pulling on his curls to watch them bounce.

And lastly, there would be no unnecessary physical touching. No, small accidental touching, no hand holding, and definitely, no kissing.

Three simple rules.

Three simple rules that were all broken by the end of the night.


Joshua had picked Nami up from her apartment. If this was going to be an official first date, he was going to treat it as such.

He didn't bring flowers or anything, but he did arrive at the exact time he said he was coming. And when Avery opened the door to tell him that Nami wasn't ready yet, he didn't complain.

"You wear glasses?" Avery frowned and he nodded.

"I usually have contacts in, but I ran out." He lied. Joshua had plenty of dailies that he could've used for today.

"Cool, She should be right out." Avery nodded.

"Okay, thanks."

"Which means I have limited times to tell you this." Avery stopped him.

"After interacting with you, I came to one conclusion about you." She narrowed her eyes and Joshua remained quiet.

"You are the exact type of guy I would date." She confessed and his brows furrowed in confusion.

Not where he thought this would go. Joshua was expecting some threats about how he would get castrated if he treated Nami badly.

"The flaky kinds who are really good at making empty promises and really good at making me feel like I'm always in the wrong." Avery finished and Joshua blinked and narrowed his eyes.

Where was she going with this.

"However, upon observation and internet research, you may not be like that at all." Avery cocked her head to the side.

"So, before you take my best friend out on this date, I just want to tell you that I'm hoping you are not that guy and that you change my opinion of you."

"Thank you?" He frowned and Avery nodded.

"But know that I can easily hunt you down and cause you physical and emotional pain." Avery raised her eyebrows and Joshua frowned.

"So, is this a compliment or insult or warning?"

"It's all of them Joshua, it's all of them." She nodded.

Avery heard Nami's door open and with a narrow of her eyes, she left Joshua in the living room.

"You cleaned up nice," Avery winked when she was away enough that Joshua wouldn't hear.

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