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It was a slow, rainy Saturday at the country club. The pool was dead, the restaurant had few guest and no one was on the golf course. So, everyone was gathered in or around the club lobby.

"Is it appropriate for me to be staring at my boss like that?" Nami asked Avery and the blonde stopped her doodling and looked at her friend.

"It is definetly not," She replied and Nami removed her lustful eyes from Eli.

"What are you drawing?" A voice startled Avery and she turned to face Annabelle. Ian had bought Annabelle along with him to work today and she was favorite amongst the staff. Until now, she hadn't been able to come to talk to Avery due to all of the attention she was getting.

Avery smiled and showed Anna her waitress pad. "It's a cup of coffee sitting on the window ledge, because that's what I like to do on rainy day."

"Oh, I like to draw too," Anna replied.

"You do?" Avery asked and she nodded. ripping off a sheet from her pad, she handed it to Anna. "Would you like to draw with me?"

Nodding eagerly, Anna took a seat on the floor with Avery and the two of them doodled. Avery was impressed with Anna's ability to actually draw something. She had expected scribbles and uneven lines from the four year old but was surprised to see a few stick figures with misshapen faces.

Nami had gotten bored of watching Avery and Anna and she decided to go over to Eli. She wasn't sure what she was going to say because she couldn't use her usual lines. Not on her boss.

"You're still here?" was Eli's first words to her.

"You didn't tell me to go home," Nami frowned.

"Well the pool is closed and you're a lifeguard, you're not really doing anything here. You're free to go home." He nodded and Nami pursed her lips. She wasn't going to back down that easily.

"Not doing anything? I am keeping this party afloat," she teased with a soft smile.

"Oh, I can see that," Eli looked at the group of employees loitering around.

"If you're my boss and I'm supposed to be off, what are you still doing here?"

"First of all, I am your boss," he reminded and Nami smiled. "Second, I'll have you know, I have more responsibilities and than making sure no one drowns in my pool."

"Actually, I make sure no one drowns in your pool,"

"Okay," Eli laughed. A commotion in the kitchen made him look at his brother and after a silent convo, Eli excused himself and went to deal with the issue.

Ian decided to walk over to his daughter and Avery.

"You're really good at drawing kid," Avery said quietly and Annabelle grinned up at her.

"Thank you," Anna said and Ian came into view. Immediately, Annabelle stood up and Ian crouched down to eye level.

"Daddy, look what I draw," anna shoved the piece of paper in his face.

"Wow, you drew that?" He corrected and Anna nodded. He smiled at the scribble of two stick figure people. It's a drawing that Annabelle has been recreating a lot lately.

A regular stick figure with a smaller one at its side representing Ian and Annabelle. And on the corner of the paper, there's a third stick figure that's much higher up on the paper. Representing Annabelle's mother in heaven.

"I like it a lot, I think it deserves to be in my office," Ian nodded. Smiling at Avery who gave him a polite smile back, he stood up and took Annabelle with him towards his office.

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