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Avery woke up in a cold sweat and scrambled out of bed. A bed had been her prison once and right now in her state of terror, she felt as though her own bed was a prison again.

Running her hands through her hair, she let out a shaky breath before running a hand down her face to wipe away the tears.

You're safe.

She repeated those two words in her head as she stumbled to the kitchen for a glass of cold water. She gulped the water down quickly before letting her head hang as she took deep breaths in.

Wondering if she will ever be able to leave her past behind, she started saying the short bible verse that was imbedded in her brain.

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Avery was never a church goer, she never got the chance to be one. But her very last foster mother had been the most faith full person on this planet. Everything she did, she did it with her love for Jesus.

As a sixteen year old, it annoyed the hell out of Avery. But as time passed and she grew fond of her foster mother, she found her constant prayers soothing. And sometimes, Avery prayed herself joining.

She almost had her heart beating at a normal rhythm again until Nami called out her name in confusion.

Letting out a string of cursed words she placed a hand over her chest as her heart slammed against her chest before looking up at her friend.

"Are you okay?" Nami asked as she frowned.

If Avery was awake during the night, it meant that she has had a nightmare. Nami learned this a long time ago.

"I am breathing, yes. As for fine, let me get back to you on that one." Avery breathed out.

"I'm sorry I startled you," Nami apologized and Avery waved her off before opening the refrigerator to grab the pitcher of water.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Nami asked and Avery nodded without looking at her. She poured herself another glass of water and placed the pitcher back.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Her friend asked and she shook her head again, still avoiding eye contact.

"You want to sleep with me?" Nami asked and Avery nodded as her eyes stung with tears.

"Okay, the door will be open." Nami said before walking back to her room.

Avery finished off another cup of water before putting the cup in the sink. Flicking off the kitchen light, she made her way to Nami's room.

Her friend was already asleep again and she was glad. She kicked off her slippers before crawling into the bed next to her.

A sense of safety washed over her and she rested her head on the pillow before saying the short bible verse one more time and the power of exhaustion took over.


Her phone rang during class, receiving a downward glance from her professor, Avery stood up to grab her phone before leaving class.

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