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"Hey," Avery walked into the living room and sat next to Nami.

"Hey," Nami replied without looking up from her book.

"Will you play with my hair?" Avery asked and Nami looked up at her with a smile. She patted the seat next to her and Avery happily went and sat down. She placed her head on Nami's lap before

"This is the life," Avery smiled.

"It sure is, now shh," Nami ordered and Avery remained quiet.

Last night after dinner, Nami had voted yes for the three of them to go to the party. 

Avery didn't understand the entire commotion but she went for her friend.

Sarah had a blast, she danced with plenty of attractive men that made her forget about her recent break up. She ended the night by getting three new phone numbers on her cell and kissing a man she thought was attractive at the time.

Avery chatted with a few men herself but she didn't give her number out to anyone and she was thankful for not locking lips with anyone. Making out with random guys felt very high school to her. 

Out of the three women, Nami was the one who had the least of fun. She spent her evening sitting in front of a small fire next to a few of her high school classmates. All of which are businessmen, doctors, lawyers and big shots in their making. Nami wasn't jealous, rather she was a little sad for them because she knew her friends were only in those fields because their parents planned out their future for them.

"So, Nami," Lillian Summers smiled before pointing between Joshua and Nami. Lillian and Nami were best friends asked in high school. Both of them were in student council and together, they had the school in the palms of their hands.

Lillian is now a congresswoman in the making due to her father being a mayor. But Nami knew that Lillian wanted to become a veterinarian. However, her parents had plans for their daughter and being a pet doctor was not one of them.

"Have you two made up yet?" She grinned and Nami rolled her eyes.

"Grow up Lil," Joshua answered before taking a sip of his drink.

"But you guys were so good together," Lilian pouted and Nami laughed.

"We were Lillian, until you two decided that while I was sick with the flu,  you would test out Joshua's new bed springs on prom night." Nami stuck her empty beer bottle in the sand before standing up.

"Nami, it was so long ago," Lillian scoffed and Nami rolled her eyes.

"I'll see you guys," she bid her goodbye before leaving the group.

"I fucking told you to drop it," Joshua scolded at Lillian before following Nami inside. But Nami was already swallowed by the crowd and before Joshua could find her again, Nami and the girls were already in the car heading home.

"So last night was kinda fun," Avery muttered and Nami's hand in her hair stopped for a second before continuing.

"For you and Sarah maybe.  It was awkward small talks and revisiting bad memories with high school classmates for me." Nami muttered and Avery sat up before facing her.

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