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Nami was almost done with her shift when Elijah walked into the pool house

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Nami was almost done with her shift when Elijah walked into the pool house. Unlike Ian's professional attire, Elijah was in a pair of jeans and a black, short sleeve v-neck. Nami was tossing some children's toys in the lost and found when he started making his way towards her.

"Nami Oh,"

"Elijah Clark," she frowned and he smiled.

"I am here to ask you where Mark keeps his roster for the lifeguards."

"Oh," she nodded. For some reason, she was expecting something more exciting from the man that was in front of her. Maybe another offer on that ride in his car.

"I think I might know where that is," she offered a smile.

"I was hoping you would say that," Eli grinned and Nami let out a sigh at his beauty. No man should be that beautiful.

"Is there a reason why you need the roster?" Nami asked as the two of them squeezed into the tight room. It was more like a closet really, it's where Mike kept all of his paperwork. He thinks shoving things on shelves in this little closet means he's organized.

"Yeah, I need it to make the work schedule, Mike is going to focus on teaching swim lessons so I'm going to handle the managing part of his job."

Nami wasn't facing Eli so he didn't see her wide, excited eyes. He's going to be her boss? She reached for the clipboard that she knew held the clock in roster and she turned to handing to Elijah.

"You're going to be my boss?"

"I was always your boss Nami," Eli said quietly before reaching for the clipboard. His eyes were a daring gaze and they were focused on Nami.

"Right," she nodded and he smiled again at her and she released the clipboard.

"Thank you,"

"Yeah, you're welcome," she nodded.

Nodding at her, he turned on his heels and walked away. Letting out a breath, Nami watched with a pleased smile on her lips at Eli's backside leaving the pool house.

Avery stepped into the car and slammed the door shut and Cameron looked at her with wide eyes.

"What the hell are you doing slamming my car door?" He snapped and Avery looked at him in disbelief. He waited for him to catch on, to apologized and when he didn't, she simply let out a long sigh.

"Just drive me home," she muttered and turned to face the front.

Cameron started the car and started the short drive to his apartment. Avery told him to take her home but he wanted her to go back home with him. He had missed her while she was at work. Reaching for her hand, he intertwined their fingers together before kissing the back of her hand.

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