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Beatrice and Avery returned to Timothy's room half an hour later. They talked the whole time, and before they got up to return to Tim, they secluded a time to grab a meal together in the coming week.

When they re entered the room, it was filled with all of Timothy's departure parade. There was about fifteen people gathered in the small hospital room and Avery had to laugh at Tim's exaggerated shenanigans.

"You ready to get out of here?" Avery asked Tim before going to stand by Nami and Ian.

"Just got the all clear from the doc and my guest are here so let's get the hell out of here!" Timothy grinned and his wife shook her head at him.

Ian wrapped an arm around Avery and she looked up at him.

"All good?" He whispered and Avery knew he was asking about Beatrice.

"Yes," she whispered back before facing Timothy.

"Alright then, my Love, can you go tell the nurses station that I'm ready for my departure? They'll know what I'm talking about." Timothy asked his wife.

"You bothered the nurses for this?" She asked and he simply smiled in return.

"Fine," she shook her head before leaving the room.

The second she was out of the room, Tim turned to one of his coworkers and asked.

"Did you bring it?" He said and his coworker nodded.

They handed Tim a cane and Avery was the first to burst out in laughter.

"You didn't," she shook her head and tim chuckled before standing up from his hospital bed.

Timothy had no need for a walking cane. But he always talked that if if he ever needed to wear a suit outside of work and going to special events, he would do so with a fancy cane.

"It's crazy that they sell these at any pharmacy."

"Yes, because people need them Tim." Nami shook her head at him while Avery let out a sigh of disappointment.

Tim's wife came back in and she took one look at the walking cane before letting out a sigh.

"I'm so sick of your shit, Timothy." She laughed and Tim grinned at her.

"Are they ready?" He asked and she nodded.

"Alright everyone, into the hallway you go." He instructed. "Let's blow this popsicle stand."

Everyone except Timothy and left the room and went to line up in a tunnel in the hall.

"Let's go home," Tim smiled before holding his arm out for his wife.

Tim peaked his head out of the room to Avery and she signaled your one of the nurses on the floor and she pulled out her phone. The song Wessex Boy by Frank Turner started playing on a Bluetooth speaker and Tim and Nicole left the room.

Some patients peaked out of the room to wave Tim off and he waved to them as if he was a celebrity waving to his fan.

His friends and family clapped for him as he walked down the tunnel they had created. The nurses that took care of him laughed with him and waved him goodbye.

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