When the younger versions of them met you

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~Syaoran Uncle Emmett I don't like that look on your face. You said scared leading into Syaoran. What are you planning? Sakura asked. Then you guys got sent back in time. Time, when You, Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Eriol were 11. You closed your eyes and waited for the fall but Syaoran catches you when Sakura, Tomoyo, and Eriol fell down on the ground. Where are we? Sakura asked. Who are you? A voice asked. You turn around and saw a younger version of your boyfriend. S S Syaoran? You squealed. How do you know me? He narrows his eyes at you. I'm your girlfriend from the future. You said then fainted.

Y/N! Syaoran shouted catching you in his arms.

You woke up a little after. You saw both Syaoran's Worriedly.

Syao? You said weakly.

Yes? Both asked.

You gasped. Sorry babe. Syaoran chuckles. You looked up. Oh boy. You mumbled seeing a younger version of yourself falling. Help me, please! Younger you cried. The younger Syaoran version caught her surprised.

Tomoyo starts to squeal

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Tomoyo starts to squeal. Younger Tomoyo that is. Younger you and Syaoran just glanced at each other with blushes. CUTENESS! Young Tomoyo squeals. The younger you and Younger Syaoran ignores her and glances at each other again. i- i -I. Have no idea how I ended up here. One minute I was with my parents and the next I ended up here. I don't understand any of this! Young, you burst out in tears. Even though Younger Syaoran doesn't know younger you good he couldn't stand to see younger you cry. It's okay. We will figure this out. I promise. He promises younger you. You and Syaoran stood off to the side watching a new love story unfold. I just love a new love story, don't you? You smiled at your Syaoran. Yeah, look at younger me already falling for younger you. Syaoran smirks. OI! If you like her kiss her! Your Syaoran said with a smirk. You cover your mouth giggling. Syao stop it! You smack his arm giggling. S S Shut up! Young Syaoran yelled blushing.

Younger you places a hand on his face

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Younger you places a hand on his face. Thank you for being nice. Younger you kisses his cheek. Younger Syaoran blushes again. Younger you lays your head on his chest tried.

Tsubasa Syaoran What you saw shocked you. Princess! Where are you, Princess! Syaoran-kun called you. It was younger versions of you and Syaoran-kun. You are me. Younger Princess you said. Syaoran-kun over here! You called. He walks over to you. Oh my. He said. Your me! Younger Syaoran gasps. Yes. I am. Syaoran-kun said. You step into his arms.

~Sakura Nothing

~Tsubasa Sakura Nothing

~Tomoyo Nothing

~Tsubasa Tomoyo Nothing

~Eriol Nothing

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