When you need a hug

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~Syaoran You got a call from your mum telling you that Lily and Riley got killed. After you hang up the phone on Alice. You locked yourself out of everything. You didn't let anyone in. You didn't want to get Sakura, Tomoyo, Eriol and, Syaoran into this mess. You were really close to Lily. She was such a bright child. Only 15. She was so in love with Riley. You may not have been close with Riley but he seemed to love your little sister enough for you to support their relationship. Syaoran finally had enough of you sulking and opened the door. He sat in front of you and stared at you. You stared back. I can do this all day. Syaoran said. Your lip quivered. Syaoran saw you were about to cry and wrapped his arms around you. It's not fair. She was only 15. 15. Why? How? What kind of monster would hurt an innocence sweet little girl? More least kills them? You asked wiping your eyes. She was only a baby. You whispered into his neck. You drift off to sleep as Syaoran strokes your hair.

~Sakura nothing

Tomoyo Nothing

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