Someone wants to kill Your father

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~Syaoran You when in the kitchen getting something to eat when. You drop the plate and it breaks. Your mom and Syaoran came in the kitchen when you were still in a vision. You turn around. What's the matter baby? Your mom asks. Someone wants daddy dead. You say in a trance. Oh no. Syaoran said. You look at him confused. You are not fighting! He said with arms crossed. How can I fight I am 5 months pregnant. You say smarting off at him. You'll find a way. Syaoran said glaring at You. And somehow I will allow it. Syaoran glares. You get other vision.. It will happen in 8 mouths. You said. 8 Months.. Syaoran said with a glare. I have the baby before the person comes. You say with a bright smile. She has Your eyes but looks like me. You say smiling softy. She? Syaoran said. Yup! There is going to be another girl! You wink at him. How many girls do you have in this family. Syaoran mumbles. You smack him across the face for saying that. Owe... Sorry baby... Syaoran winced. You lean over pecking him on the lips. He then picks You up and walks up stairs still kissing You. You warp Your arms around his neck. You yawn tried nuzzling in his chest. You fall asleep. Syaoran smiles moving some of Your hair put of the way. You have a cute sleeping face. You start to mumble something. I will marry You Syoa. You mumble quiet but he heard you. If Syaoran was human he would blush.. Syaoran has been thinking about asking You to marry him for awhile. Pervert get those hands off of me. You mumble. Syaoran holds in a chuckle. You snore quiet. Cute. Syaoran though watching You with a smile.

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