How they first fell in love with you

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~Syaoran ( This is going to be a flashback how they fall in love with you) Who is that with Sakura. Syaoran thinks. So you dated before. Sakura says to You smiling. W W What!? Okay maybe. You stutter cute. Okay find I did! You yell. Will she tells you how it is. Syaoran though staring at You interested. But he was a cheating asswhole. You said with a pixie smile. Adorable.. Syaoran though blushing still watching you. MM? You look over at him. You walk over to him with a giggling Sakura behind You. Is there a reason you were staring at me? You questioned giggling. MM! Syaoran though bright red in the face. Hey Y/n! Someone called. You turn around. What do you want? You ask nicely but inside You are pissed off. Go out with. Hell no. You said blunt. I don't date play boys anymore. You say bluntly. Get. Go away now. You say not looking at him. Why not! He protests. Because I don't like you. I don't like fanboys now fucking leave. You say looking at Your fingernails. Don't make me punch you. You say holding onto Syaoran's arm glaring. How in the hell did she get next to me. Syaoran though. You tight Your hold on Syaoran glaring. You take Syaoran's hand. Oh You like him. The fanboy said sneering. You let out a little snarl. You grab Syaoran's shoulders and kissed him rough. Syaoran's eyes widened in shock. You warp Your arms around his neck. You bite at his lip. Syaoran let out a small quiet moan. He warps his arms around You waist. Syaoran then picks You up and You tight Your legs around his waist.. You break the kiss attacking his neck biting and sucking at it. Syaoran moans louder. He never got turned on by a girl before. You pull away leaving small hickeys. If You can't see I like someone else. You sneer at the fanboy. The fanboy runs off in tears. You scoffed. Pathetic. You think. Wow. Syaoran said dazzled by you. If you ever want a kiss like that again come find me. You say with a bedroom gaze. You walk off. Three. Too. One.. Sakura though as Syaoran runs after You. Yes? You asked. He pushes You up against the school wall. You too start kissing passionate. MM. You moan as his hands go under Your shirt. I I I I I I I didn't get Your name. You moan. Syaoran. He smirks. You pout at him. Syaoran twitch's at Your pout. I know somewhere we can be alone. You say seductive. He let out a moan. He follows you like a lost puppy. Syaoran sits down like in a trance. You sit in his lap. Ohh... Syaoran moans. You look at him. Are you honry. You smirk patting his pants. Syaoran lets out a whimper in pleasure. Syaoran ripped Your shirt off. You let out a pleasured moan at his work. Be gentle. You whisper. Syaoran nodded. You let out a whimper in pain as Syaoran enters You. You let out a cry. Oh shit! You think. Your father is going to kill Syaoran. Ah who cares you can take on Your father. Soon the pain turns into pleasure. You know don't you. You moan quiet. That Your a vampire Yes I do. Syaoran grunts. You know Your not as dumb as I though you would be. You moan loudly. Oh sweet thing I am very smart. Syaoran grunts. You lean up poking his nose smiling. I know that now. You can't blame me for thinking that can you? You question with a cute pout. Girl are you trying to make me fall for you more. Syaoran groans. I never did this before. You moan. You were about to released. What have sex with a guy? Syaoran groans. Yes.. You say in a small voice. You are my first. You whisper. I can tell with Your whimpering in pain and trying not to scream. Syaoran grunts. You both released. You look at Your clothes. Uh oh. You say staring at Your shirt. Daddy is going to be mad. You say. I can come with you? Syaoran suggests. You look at him smiling a pixie smile kissing him sweetly. Wow.. She as a lot of ways to kiss. Syaoran thinks returning the kiss. You start to fight with Your inner Vampire. Take him! Screw him! Fuck him! She yells. You push her in the back of Your mind. She is like the Major that Your father Jasper has. You look up staring in his eyes. L L L Love? For me? You think in shock that he already has feelings for You. Syaoran. You whisper. MM? He asks. Do Do Do You love me? You ask with tears in Your eyes. Syaoran looked at you shell shocked. That You found out he does have feelings for you and he is wondering how you can cry. Syaoran didn't know what to say. You stare at him waiting. Are You going to say anything? Anything!? You yelled. You get up and about to storm off mad but Syaoran grabs You around the waist kissing You rough. You pant pulling away from him blushing. Does that tell you my Feelings for You Y/n. Syaoran smirks. You smile pulling at his arm for him to pick you up and carrying you. Well you demanded me didn't You. Syaoran smirks picking You up and walking down the stairs and out of the school. You smile snuggling up to his chest. You are half human and half Vampire. You live off on human food and blood. You tasted Syaoran's blood and You loved it. You lick Your lips thinking about it. You'll love it and Syaoran will get pleasure out of it. You mellow at the though quiet. Syaoran looked down at You. You smile pecking his lips. You too walk out of the school. How are we going to get to Your.. You pick him up and run off to the house. He stares at You and looked the other way blushing. You put him down sitting on the steps on Your porch. You move sitting on Syoaran's lap. He let out a whimper in pleasure as You grind on Him. You find the right spot and sit on his lap leading on his chest yawning tried. Aw how cute! Your mother Alice cooed at You too as everyone came back from hunting. Jasper tensed seeing his daughter on some boys lap. Alice rolls her eyes at her husband. You cracked one eye open. What? You said tried then nuzzling in Syaoran's neck. Leave my Syoa alone daddy. You mumble. Your Syoa? Syaoran asks amused. Yes You are mine. I did mark you . You say innocence. You walk in the house leaving a dazzled Syaoran then he snaps out of it and follows you in the house. You were sitting on the couch with a pixie look on Your face. Come with you. You say taking his hand. You walk upstairs to the three floor which is Your room. You open the door that said I am to hot for you with purple on it. You walk in Your room with Syaoran behind You closing the door. You lean on the window. You are hungry. Are you okay? Syaoran asked. I'm hungry I need blood. You admitted. I can have human food and blood. We eat animal blood. You say groaning. You really need to eat. You only had a little bit of Syaoran's blood and that did help for awhile. You didn't go back to Your class's. Syaoran I need Your help. You groan. You look at him begging. You walk up to ripping his shirt. Syaoran's face goes red as You run Your hands down his well built body. You attack his neck. You lick at it sending a shiver of pleasure down his back. Damn my teenage hormones. Syaoran though. You then bite his neck. Syaoran let out a moan in pleasure. You keep sucking until You get full. You wipe Your mouth. You lick the wound closed. Thank you. You say quiet. Your eyes go back to gold. Syaoran got more turned on. You let out a giggle. Honry boy. You tease poking his nose. Syaoran just smiles kissing Your neck. You yelp in surprised. You smile. I love you too. You whisper smiling. Syaoran smiles at You. You yawn falling asleep on his shoulder. You let out a little snore. Syaoran smiles at You looking cute in Your sleep.

Noting for Sakura

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