When they catch you dancing

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~Syaoran You were listening to some sweet music, the rhythm to the beat entranced you to dance. You swayed your hips and move your arms to the beat. Syaoran saw you and stood quietly. Don't mind me. Continue. Syaoran said watching you with lust in his eyes. You shrieked and fell over. Syaoran! you shouted blushing deep red. Syaoran took that as his sign to run away. You chased after him.

~Tsubasa Syaoran No one can beat us! We're just that good! You heard a boy your age laugh smugly. You guys walk over to them. Can't beat you guys at what? You asked nicely. Nothing. Why don't you go along little girl? He sneers at you. Yeah. We're the Champs at dancing. His friend sneers at you guys. Oh really? You raised an eyebrow. Just ignore them, Princess. Syaoran tries to pull you away but you didn't move from your spot. So you're saying your good dancers huh? How would you feel if my sister and I have a go? You say sweetly. Knock yourselves out. They smirk. Hit it! Sakura said to the Dj. You and Sakura started slow. ( Like the dance from Rotten to the core. And with the music too. And singing the song too) You and Sakura got into the song and started to sing along to it. Once the song was over you two looked at the shocked crowd. How's that for two little girls? Sakura smirks leading on your shoulder. You're not that good. The boss said stunned. Why don't you get lost? Sakura smirks. People are beginning to stare. You said. Why don't you take anything you have left and get lost. Go on. Walk the rode of shame! Sakura said. We got told off by to little bitches! One of his friends said angrily. I suggest you do say they say. Syaoran said a little pissed. Mokona jumps into your arms. Beat it. You smiled dangerously sweet. They run away. There is a feather nearby! Mokona announced. You walk in the back with Syaoran. I am impressed, Princess. I didn't know you could dance. Syaoran said. You giggled.

~Sakura You were having a party at the Cullen house. Only the family and your friends were there. You and Sakura were hanging out with Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Eriol. A song came on and you just had to dance to it. Sakura dance with me. You cooed tugging her arm. I don't know how. She said. You gasped and showed her.

She had amused face on as you finished with a majestic pose.

Ta da! You shouted with glee.

Syaoran looks to the side embarrassed. I don't know her. I just met her. Syaoran said embarrassed. You pouted at him.

She pulled you close and kissed you passionately

Amazing. She mumbled.

~Tsubasa Sakura Sakura knew you could dance. But your brother and friends didn't. Syaoran was shocked one day to find you and Sakura dancing. Well, well. I didn't know you could dance. Syaoran smirks. There are a lot of things I don't tell you dear brother of mine. You chirped. Sakura giggles when Syaoran signs.

~Tomoyo You and Sakura were dancing for a school play. You two were too into the rhythm of the beat of the music to notice Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Eriol. You are very flexible like your mom. You heard a squeal. You and Sakura turn around seeing Syaoran blushing at the sight of you two when Tomoyo was. Signs. Filming you two as normal. You look at Sakura as if it is okay for you to play you little payback. She giggles. Syaoran played a prank on you last week. You told her and Tomoyo you would get Syaoran back. She nods. Tomoyo grins. Why Syaoran. Why are you blushing? Do you see something you like maybe? You smirked. w-Wah!? Syaoran stuttered. I said do you see something you like? You playful flirt. Tomoyo was grinning when getting this on film. Syaoran was red as his shirt. i-i-I.. Syaoran stutters. You smirked. Next time don't prank me. You cooed and walk over to your grinning girlfriend.

~Tsubasa Tomoyo You can't dance. But you learn with Sakura. Right now you and Sakura were dancing to take your mind off of those bullies. After you two take a rest for a while Tomoyo walks in the room. You two look like you had fun. She said. You smiled and kissed her cheek.

~Eriol For some reason Clow Reed gave you a mission in your sleep. So You were in two teams. You, Sakura, Syaoran, and Tomoyo, and Eriol. So Tomoyo, Syaoran, and Eriol didn't know how to dance! Can you believe that!? You and Sakura put on your favorite song on and show them how it's really done, Tomoyo was filming of course, when Syaoran and Eriol had amused and shocked looks on their faces as you both finished with a perfect pose.

I didn't know you were so flexible. Eriol whispered in your ear with a wink.

You smacked him upside the head.

Don't say things like that in front of Sakura! My little cinnamon roll! You said.

Sakura blushes at the nickname you have for her.

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