When you save them

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~Syaoran You saw a person about to stab Syaoran in the chest. I won't if I were you. You hiss looking like an anger real vampire at this moment. You hissed your fangs coming out. He ran away. That was hot. Syaoran said with a grin. Oh really? You smirked kissing him passionately. Syaoran lifts you up in his arms and runs off home. He tries to use his key to unlock the door when you two were still kissing passionately. He finally got the door open he hurries inside slamming the door behind him. Clothes falling to the ground and some on the stairs when Syaoran rushes up to your bedroom. Syaoran threw you down on the bed climbing on top of you with lust in his eyes. You two made love all night.

~Tsubasa Syaoran You were walking next to Syaoran to the next town you were in this dimension for the feather. There was this group of man following you and your friends. You narrow your eyes confused. Syaoran-kun there is a group of man following us. You told him. You and your friends stopped. Gave us your money and we will leave you alone. The man said. We have no money. You step forward only for Syaoran-kun to pull you back behind him protective. Forget the money. Check out the hottie. The man smirks at you. You whimpered. Syaroan clenched his fists glaring at him. He reaches for your arm but Syaoran pushed you behind Sakura when he punched the man in the face. You got a lot of guts kid! The man laughed and began to beat the crap out of Syaoran-kun. Syaoran-kun! Syaoran-kun! You cried. They ignored you and continued to beat Syaoran up. You saw a stick and picked it up. You began to hit the man with the stick painful. You hit him where the sun doesn't shine. Everyone looked at you surprised but Syaoran-kun. Syaoran-kun looked at you in awe. You blushed and dropped the stick. Please leave Syaoran-kun alone and leave us alone. Please go away. You smiled sweetly. They start to grunt saying how they got beat by a girl and walk off sulking. That was amazing! Sakura looks at you smiling. That was something else Princess. Fai chuckles. You look down blushing. You and your friends continued walking. Princess. Syaoran whispers as you two walk behind everyone. You look up at him still blushing. Thank you for saving me. But next time. Let me save you. Syaoran said with a smile. Of course Syaoran-kun! You smiled brightly at him. He blushes.

~Sakura Someone tried to kill her but you threatened to kill them if your father didn't hold you back from killing them.

~Tsubasa Sakura Someone was holding your girlfriend. You and the boys found them. You saw her on top of a hill. They pushed her off. You being fast like your brother caught her. What the hell?! They yelled. You made a mistake. You don't mess with Sakura unless you want Y/n to kill you. Syaoran smirks watching you storm up to them and beats the hell out of them. Come near her again and I will just end your pathetic lives got it? You said smiling sweetly dangerously. You and Syaoran can be dangerous. But together you won't want to get in yours and brothers way. Get before I change my mind. And believe me. My brother will get a kick out of that. You sneer at them. They run off. My hero! Sakura kissed your cheek. Your cheeks heat up. Syaoran starts to tease you. You smacked your brother across the head.

~Tomoyo No one would be dumb enough to hurt Tomoyo.

~Tsubasa Tomoyo Same as the other one.

~Eriol Eriol doesn't need you saving him.

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